Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

  • 100th Anniversary
  • Jan 19 - SATG 20th Anniversary
    Jan 19 - SATG 20th Anniversary

    In 2019, St. Albert the Great council members celebrated their 20th anniversary wearing stylish 1920’s fashions.

    Pose in vintage attire at the Photo Booth at the 2022 Diocesan Annual Convention.

  • Jan 20 - 1928 National Convention
    Jan 20 - 1928 National Convention

    In 1928, Calgary hosted the 8th National Convention of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada.

    The writing in the bottom right corner of this photo reads "8th Annual Convention - C.W.L. - Calgary - June 25th - 29th - 1928". Tap the photo to enlarge. Coverage in the Calgary Herald notes that the convention took place from June 25th-30th.

    The National President was Mrs. J. J. Duggan; the National Chaplain was Most Rev. Archbishop O’Leary (from Edmonton); Bishop of the Calgary Diocese was Bishop John Thomas Kidd; Calgary Diocesan President was Mrs. A.G. Plunkett. 

    At this time Provincial Councils did not yet exist.

  • Jan 21 - St Francis de Sales Bibles
    Jan 21 - St Francis de Sales Bibles

    In 2019, St Francis de Sales CWL helped to purchase Bibles for the students of Holy Spirit Academy in High River.

  • Jan 22 - Corpus Christi retreat
    Jan 22 - Corpus Christi retreat

    In June 2021 Corpus Christi CWL members enjoyed their annual Twilight Retreat outdoors at Mount St. Francis. Pandemic restrictions resulted in dining "al fresco" with plated service rather than buffet. It was as lovely as always.

    The people at Mt St Francis are always accommodating, and give wise and thoughtful reflections.

  • Jan 23 -  St. Catherine's - HUG
    Jan 23 - St. Catherine's - HUG

    St. Catherine's (Picture Butte) President Elaine Jones and Elsie Bulva presented a huge bin of toiletries and clothing to the Lethbridge YWCA for their Harbour House women’s shelter. This was a League centenary ‘HUG Project’ (Helping, Understanding, Giving) in 2019.

  • Jan 24 - Holy Spirit Comfort Dolls
    Jan 24 - Holy Spirit Comfort Dolls

    Since 2013, Holy Spirit CWL members have donated hundreds of handmade “Comfort Dolls” to residents and their families at the Salvation Army Agapé Hospice. The adorable dolls come to life with faces painted by Angelé Smith, and radiate joy and affection. What a beautiful gift to support those who are facing their end of life journey! Judy Look initiated the project when their council’s monthly donations of “Comfort Cookies” (homemade food products) were no longer accepted.

  • Jan 25 - Bishop McGrattan on the CWL
    Jan 25 - Bishop McGrattan on the CWL

    Thank you for your witness to the Faith... Read the full message.

  • Jan 26 - Holy Trinity CWL members
    Jan 26 - Holy Trinity CWL members

    Early 1970's members of Holy Trinity (Calgary) pose with Fr. Joe Murphy and Fr. Weir.

  • Jan 26 is Margaret Shaw's 100th birthday
    Jan 26 is Margaret Shaw's 100th birthday

    Congratulations to Margaret Julia Shaw on the celebration of her 100th birthday on January 26th! Margaret is a member of St. Andrew CWL in Vulcan and has served the League for 72 years. Read more about her wonderful life and history on page 29 in the Winter News Bulletin and watch this video on "Margaret Julia Shaw and the CWL".

  • Jan 27 - St Anthony parade float
    Jan 27 - St Anthony parade float

    St Anthony CWL members promoted their council in Drumheller's 1998 parade

  • Jan 28 - Leah Ziegler, 65 year Charter Member of Holy Trinity (Calgary) CWL
    Jan 28 - Leah Ziegler, 65 year Charter Member of Holy Trinity (Calgary) CWL

    Leah Ziegler (Feb 25, 1918 - June 13, 2020) celebrated her 102nd birthday surrounded by CWL friends.

  • Jan 29 - Elsie Yanik award recipient Renee Spohn
    Jan 29 - Elsie Yanik award recipient Renee Spohn

    Renee Spohn (center) was presented with the prestigious Elsie Yanik Award at the provincial convention in Okotoks on June 2, 2018. Presenting the award were Alberta Mackenzie President June Fuller (right) and President-Elect Judy Look (left). Renee received this top honor in recognition of and gratitude for her remarkable leadership and ministry in her CWL council, parish, and community.

  • Jan 30 - St. Paul's Spirit of Hospitality!
    Jan 30 - St. Paul's Spirit of Hospitality!

    St. Paul's (Airdrie) is a buoyant council that has remained engaged and connected despite the pandemic. Virtual membership gatherings are well attended, especially when they include fun activities such as a "Purse Scavenger Hunt." What creative connections and sisterhood!

  • Jan 31 - Lynn L’Heureux Calgary Diocesan President 1987 - 1989
    Jan 31 - Lynn L’Heureux Calgary Diocesan President 1987 - 1989

    On June 7, 2019, St. Michael's (Calgary) President Pascale Kanbour and President Elect Debbie Wagner presented Lynn L’Heureux with a beautiful shadow box containing her special mementos: Maple Leaf, Diocesan Past President, and 45-year service pins on a CWL ribbon, with her name tag. Lynn was influential in reactivating St. Michael's CWL in 2018.

  • Feb 1 - Sweet Treats
    Feb 1 - Sweet Treats

    In February 2021, Holy Spirit (Calgary) organized a “Sweets for the Sweet” fundraiser that also raised members’ spirits! Orders were taken for $5 sweet treat bags, which included a Valentine’s Day card. A team delivered 180 treat bags to grateful recipients before the special date of February 14th.

    Share the love by making and delivering your own gift bags and cards to cherished members and friends on special occasions such as Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, etc. Surprise someone with a sweet gift and make their day! Get other great ideas like this on our Share Success page.


  • Feb 2 - Clergy and Religious Appreciation
    Feb 2 - Clergy and Religious Appreciation

    Fr Anthony Pudota, Fr Johnathan Gibson and Fr Wilbert Chin Jon collected almost $5000 in the 2020 CNOY walk providing just one example of how our clergy and religious do so much in the parish and larger community. Show your appreciation in a special way during the month of February. See our Clergy & Religious Appreciation Day ideas and resources.

  • Feb 3 -  St. Basil’s Premium Noodles
    Feb 3 - St. Basil’s Premium Noodles

    You think these are tablecloths? Look again!

    St. Basil’s (Lethbridge) homemade egg noodles are so popular that this annual fundraiser has been held for almost 20 years. The photo shows 20-30 ladies working in the background while rows of egg noodles are drying on tables in the parish hall. It takes three days of teamwork to make three batches – along with 35 dozen eggs and 100 kg. of flour for each. After one week of drying, the noodles are cut, weighed into 1 1/2 lb. portions, and packaged into about 300 bags. With a time-tested recipe and wholesome ingredients, it is no wonder that these noodles are hot sellers!

  • Feb 4 - St. Peter's Harvest Dinner
    Feb 4 - St. Peter's Harvest Dinner

    In 2020, members of St. Peter’s (Calgary) hosted their 11th annual Harvest Dinner in the midst of a pandemic with rigid gathering and health restrictions. They creatively planned a three-day “take-out” event with online ordering, curbside pickup, and delivery. The sold-out event was a tremendous success and evidence that a team of determined women can overcome any barrier.

  • Feb 5 - Assumption (Lethbridge) 60th Anniversary
    Feb 5 - Assumption (Lethbridge) 60th Anniversary

    Our Lady of the Assumption (Lethbridge) celebrated their 60th Anniversary with a delightful tea in their parish hall. Guests were entertained with a lively skit on their council’s history. What an amusing way to celebrate a milestone anniversary.

    For a copy of the skit, contact Diocesan Communications Chair Diane Miedema.

  • Feb 6 - Coldest Night of the Year
    Feb 6 - Coldest Night of the Year

    The annual CNOY walk in February raises funds for local charities that serve vulnerable people. Though miles apart, CWL members in Calgary, Okotoks, Lethbridge, and Coaldale walked in solidarity in 2021 and raised an amazing $11,386! Pictured are walkers from the Lethbridge Region: Renee Spohn (St. Martha’s), Dorothy Boras (Assumption), and Diane Miedema (St. Ambrose).

  • Feb 7 - Brown-Bagging for Calgary Kids
    Feb 7 - Brown-Bagging for Calgary Kids

    In late 2019, St. Patrick's (Calgary) initiated a joint venture with the CWL and the parish in partnership with BB4CK to feed hungry children. By early January, over 44 parishioners and League members were preparing lunches two days a week and delivering them to Our Lady of Peace School by 11:00 a.m. Program coordinator Ophelia Pinto remarked, “This is not just a lunch program, we are building community and working as a team to serve a need – caring for our very own parish children… the best part of it is that we are making a difference one child at a time - one meal at a time.”

  • Feb 8 is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, patron saint of the Sudan and human trafficking survivors
    Feb 8 is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, patron saint of the Sudan and human trafficking survivors

    The Red Sand Project aims to increase awareness of people who fall through the cracks of society and live in slavery through forced labor, marriages, and sexual exploitation. In November 2020, St. Mary’s Cathedral CWL hosted a project in which several other councils participated. Pictured here are Barbara Learmont and Lilia Hlavacek of St. Thomas More (Calgary).

  • Feb 9 - Holy Door Contest
    Feb 9 - Holy Door Contest

    To celebrate the 2016 Jubilee Year of Mercy declared by Pope Francis, Diocesan President Sharon Malec (RIP) held a contest challenging members to visit as many Holy Doors as possible. She offered her beautiful, handcrafted quilting as prizes. Grand prize winner Geraldine Clarahan received a table quilt; second and third prize winners Dorothy Boras and Janet MacPhee won a Canada 150th birthday table runner.

    Pictured in front of the Holy Doors at Holy Cross (Fort Macleod) are: (back) Theresa Prozniak, Kathy VanDellen, Mary Schmid; (front) Marie Boras, Judie Kopp, Kathy Herbst, Dorothy Boras.

  • Feb 10 - St. Francis de Sales Executive Officers (1958)
    Feb 10 - St. Francis de Sales Executive Officers (1958)

    The executive officers of St. Francis de Sales (High River) are captured in this 1958 photo: Stella Niedzwiecki, Marguerite Botter, President Anne Callahan, Florence Thorpe, and Mrs. Fry.

    A picture of Our Lady of Good Counsel is proudly displayed on the table, along with a center piece with a large maple leaf, standing cross and the letters “CWL.” Note the Union Jack prominently positioned behind the table.

  • Feb 11 - Bishop O'Byrne’s 25th Anniversary (1994)
    Feb 11 - Bishop O'Byrne’s 25th Anniversary (1994)

    To commemorate Bishop Paul O’Byrne’s 25th Jubilee as Bishop of Calgary, Calgary Diocesan Council presented him with a beautiful, handcrafted quilt in April 1994. Each of the 70 squares was lovingly and carefully stitched by members in parish councils across the diocese. St. Thomas More (Calgary) contributed the beautiful square in the center of the top row shown in the close-up photo.

    Calgary Diocesan Council also established the Bishop Paul O’Byrne Scholarship. Members can apply for up to $500 to study their Catholic faith. Access the eligibility criteria and application form here.

  • Feb 12 - Bellelle Guerin Award Recipient Donna Johnson (2019)
    Feb 12 - Bellelle Guerin Award Recipient Donna Johnson (2019)

    Donna Johnson (center) was presented with the esteemed Bellelle Guerin Award at the Diocesan Convention in Medicine Hat in 2019. Emily Rochford, president of Sacred Heart (Strathmore) expressed gratitude for Donna’s exemplary service to the League, including her ongoing support to her council and roles as a Diocesan Officer and Regional Chair for the Drumheller Region. Diocesan President Jan Myhre shared in the accolades.

    This National award is presented to a member who has kept alive the vision and dream of the first national CWL president, Bellelle Guerin, by dedicating herself to the work of the League in her parish, diocese and/or province.

  • Feb 13 - Sewing Face Masks During the Pandemic
    Feb 13 - Sewing Face Masks During the Pandemic

    93-year old Marie Boras of Our Lady of Assumption (Lethbridge) displays some of 80+ face masks she sewed for family and friends in 2020 and 2021. Marie is a 68-year CWL member who treasures the social aspect of the League – the sisterhood and community spirit. Her service to others includes 30 years on the funeral lunch committee and 30 years delivering Meals on Wheels to area residents.

  • Feb 14 - Celebrating our Sisterhood!
    Feb 14 - Celebrating our Sisterhood!

    Lynette Perera (red dress) was the guest of honor at a lovely outdoor luncheon to celebrate her 90th birthday in July 2021. Her CWL sisters from St. Patrick (Calgary) were delighted to host the event for their cherished member and friend.

  • Feb 15 - 60th Calgary Diocesan Convention (1982)
    Feb 15 - 60th Calgary Diocesan Convention (1982)

    The 60th Calgary Diocesan Convention Planning Committee proudly displays the St. Francis de Sales banner at the 60th Diocesan Convention held in High River on May 2, 1982. Pictured are Celia MacKillop, Anita Bradley, unknown, Anne Callahan, Diocesan President Agnes Bedard, Kay Rosell, Eve Leitch, Monica Kuck, Doreen Needham, and Anne Rawlings.

    The 100th Annual Diocesan Convention will take place at the Calgary Plaza Hotel from April 29th to May 1st 2022. Registration is now open. We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Feb 16 - Centenary Tree Project
    Feb 16 - Centenary Tree Project

    To commemorate the League’s centennial in 2020, National Council launched an initiative to plant 100 trees across Canada - in keeping with the “Care for Our Common Home” theme. Councils at all levels were invited to plant a tree in a place of honor that would be enjoyed by their council and community. Holy Spirit (Calgary) planted their tree in front of the church on June 26, 2021. Pictured are Diocesan Spiritual Advisor Father Pilmaikén Lezano, Judy Look, Judy Carr, Sophie Huzar, Bernice Thomas, Gail Poshtar (President), Marta Toltesi, and Lynda Turner.

  • Feb 17 - St James Bake Sale (2016)
    Feb 17 - St James Bake Sale (2016)

    A classic CWL bake sale is hard to beat. The homemade cookies, bars, breads, pies, and more are guaranteed to be hot sellers!

    Here, parishioners are eager for the tantalizing treats at a Christmas Bake Sale hosted by St. James (Okotoks) CWL in 2016.

  • Feb 18 - Laughter Therapy (SATG)
    Feb 18 - Laughter Therapy (SATG)

    In 2014, St. Albert the Great (Calgary) invited Cheryl Oberg to share her experiences to illustrate how humor and laughter can help us to cope with stress and improve our overall health and wellbeing. The difference between a bad day and a good day can be as simple as one minute of laughter. Cheryl ended her talk by giving everyone their own “clown nose” and the message that “Our daydreams are our visions for a life worth living. Dream the life you want to live and then go live it!”

    After a two-year pandemic, we can all use some laughter therapy to reduce stress and anxiety. Consider holding a session near the beginning of a council meeting to raise spirits and stimulate engagement.

  • Feb 19 - Olga Rowse honored for 80 years in the League
    Feb 19 - Olga Rowse honored for 80 years in the League

    Olga was born in Poland on May 23, 1924 and immigrated to Drumheller when she was 4 years old. At age 18, she joined the CWL to meet other women of faith. She fondly recalls bringing friendship and company to those in hospital, and serving at banquets and teas to raise funds for the parish and community.

    Drumheller's  Rotary Club honored her as Citizen of the year in 2009 recognizing her lifelong pattern of volunteerism and community involvement.

    St Anthony’s Parish (Drumheller) is proud of Olga's 80 years of service through CWL. Congratulations and thank you, Olga!

  • Feb 20 - Holy Trinity Inaugural Executive - 2001
    Feb 20 - Holy Trinity Inaugural Executive - 2001

    Holy Trinity (Blairmore) was chartered in 2001 following the amalgamation of St. Anne’s (Blairmore) and St. Cyril’s (Bellevue). Forming their first executive were: Second Vice President Joanne Gibson, Secretary Lorene Pisoni, Treasurer Mary Ann Dawydiuk (back), President Cheryl Walsh and First Vice President Donna Olchowy (front). Donna has always served on the executive, including 13 years as president. She currently serves in that capacity. 

  • Feb 21 - Gifts from the Heart
    Feb 21 - Gifts from the Heart

    Displayed are some of the beautifully handcrafted quilts made by the talented ladies of the Holy Trinity Quilt Club (Calgary) in 2016. These special gifts from the heart delighted many elderly and shut-in members of their parish community. What a heartwarming and rewarding service ministry activity!

  • Feb 22 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
    Feb 22 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

    In 2019, St. Michael’s CWL initiated IWIN (I'm Worth It Now) to raise awareness about human trafficking and to assist survivors who are escaping the life, entering a wrap-around program of emotional, physical and spiritual support. IWIN provides backpacks which contain all brand new items: a change of clothes, toiletry items, a journal, a handwritten card of encouragement and a bracelet.  A matching bracelet is given to a volunteer prayer warrior to support the survivor through prayer.

    The December 2019 trial run of 12 backpacks - pictured here - received enthusiastic support from Holy Name, Holy Spirit, St. Albert the Great, St. Bonaventure, and St. Peter’s CWL parish councils. With the support of a growing number of CWL councils, IWIN gave out more than 100 backpacks by the end of 2021. It has now expanded to also serve Saskatoon and Edmonton. For more information see their website and follow them on social media.

  • Feb 23 - Cathy Buchanan Maple Leaf Service Pin Recipient
    Feb 23 - Cathy Buchanan Maple Leaf Service Pin Recipient

    Cathy Buchanan (center) of St. Paul’s (Airdrie) was presented with the esteemed Maple Leaf Service Pin by President Theresa Duncan (right) and Calgary Diocesan President Jan Myhre (left) on November 17, 2019. Members can attest that Cathy truly meets the criteria of serving the League in an “exceptional or meritorious” manner.

  • Feb 24 - Anytime is cookie time!
    Feb 24 - Anytime is cookie time!

    A "cookie walk" is a favorite fundraiser in many parishes. Members bake several dozen cookies and display them on tables; parishioners walk by and choose which delicious treats they want to add to their bag or box. 

    This event appeals to people of all ages as shown in this picture of a walk at St. Peter's (Calgary). It is popular for any occasion such as Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Back to School, and Christmas.

  • Feb 25 - St. Anne’s Council Bids Farewell 1998
    Feb 25 - St. Anne’s Council Bids Farewell 1998

    Members of St. Anne’s (Blairmore) pose for the final meeting of their council on November 12, 1998, before it was disbanded. It must have been a bittersweet moment for these ladies after lovingly serving their parish and community for so many years. Pictured are: (standing) Kath Ulrich, Pat Heisie, Helen Lencucha, Theresa Vigna, Helen G. Bos, Anne Cerney, Helen Yamata, Polly Marcial; (seated) Treasurer Mary Price, President Elda Bosetti, Secretary Mary Catonio.

    In 2001, they amalgamated with other parishes in the Crowsnest Pass  to form Holy Trinity CWL - our newest council in the Highwood Region.

  • Feb 26 - Holy Cross CWL was chartered in 1926
    Feb 26 - Holy Cross CWL was chartered in 1926

    Holy Cross (Fort Macleod) was the first CWL Council in the Lethbridge Region. On October 28, 2021, they celebrated their 95th Anniversary with a Mass and service award presentations. Members were recognized and congratulated for their 15 to 70 years of service. The council looks forward to a grand celebration for their 100th anniversary in 2026.

  • Feb 27 - St. Mary’s Cathedral 2021 Annual Chritmas Quilt Raffle
    Feb 27 - St. Mary’s Cathedral 2021 Annual Chritmas Quilt Raffle

    St Mary's (Calgary) CWL raffles beautiful prizes to raise funds for their parish and a favorite charity.

  • Feb 28 - Installation of Officers
    Feb 28 - Installation of Officers

    Our Lady of the Assumption (Lethbridge) held their Installation of Officers ceremony in February 2020. The National Ceremonies Booklet includes the Installation / Reaffirmation ceremony. Officers promise to be faithful to their call and to help all League members through their faith, love and prayers. They pledge to honour, invoke and imitate our patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel, and to be loyal members of the CWL, promoting its interest and growth in every way.

    This is an important event to share with members and other parishioners. If possible, it is good to hold the ceremony at a weekend Mass to show support for our elected leaders and promote the League.

  • March 1 - St. Rita's Honorary Members
    March 1 - St. Rita's Honorary Members

    At their 90th Anniversary celebration April 1, 2017, St. Rita (Rockyford) paid tribute to their honorary members who had 60 plus years of service. Pictured are the honorees: Jean Cammaert, Mary Ketenbach, Edith Kathol, Marie Geeraert, Esther Koester, and Dorothy Stinn.

    The council’s initial membership dues were $1 per year, but during the 1930’s depression, they were made more affordable by installments of .25¢. As coffee was rationed during the 1940’s, members would bring one tablespoon of ground coffee to their monthly meetings, so that they could brew a pot of coffee. That’s sisterhood! 

  • March 2 - Poignant Memorial Tribute
    March 2 - Poignant Memorial Tribute

    Sisterhood is such an important aspect of the League. It is being welcoming, inclusive, and in fellowship. It is our sisterhood and bonds of friendship and solidarity that makes councils successful.

    Here, members of St. Thomas More (Calgary) support a cherished member by paying tribute to her deceased daughter in June 2020.

  • March 3 - YAHOO! Howdy, Sisters!
    March 3 - YAHOO! Howdy, Sisters!

    Calgary welcomed more than 845 delegates from across Canada to the 2019 National CWL Convention. National officers were “white-hatted” in a traditional ceremony that has been ongoing for visitors, dignitaries, and guests to the city since 1950. The white hat symbolizs that you arrive as a visitor and leave as a friend.

    Online registration is now open for the 2022 National Convention to be held in Kelowna, BC from Aug 14th to 17th. Register by mail or online at 102nd Annual National Convention.

  • March 4 - Lenten Soup and Buns (2019)
    March 4 - Lenten Soup and Buns (2019)

    Members of St. Francis de Sales (High River) led the Stations of the Cross and then served delicious soup and buns to hungry parishioners in 2019. 

    The liturgical season of Lent embraces prayer, abstinence and fasting, so many councils participate in the Catholic tradition of observing meatless Fridays. Some members eagerly cook up pots of tasty vegetable soup, while others make delectable biscuits and buns. Some councils take up collections of food or money, which are given to local charities.

  • March 5 - Donating linens for the new rectory
    March 5 - Donating linens for the new rectory

    In this undated photo, Mrs. Evelyn Donlevy of St. Mary’s Cathedral (Calgary) is presenting linens to Rev. John Smith at the open house for the new rectory either before or after the church was consecrated on December 11, 1957. Sharing in the presentation were Mrs. Arnold Van Gastel, Mrs. G.A. MacDonald, Mrs. Peter Mitterer, Mrs. Emily Patton, Mrs. A.W. Dinnigan, Mrs. T.A. Foley, Mrs. Frank McKenna, and Mrs. Elizabeth O’Neil. These pioneering members created a legacy of supporting their church and parish priests.

  • March 6 - St. Bernadette 60th Anniversary 2013
    March 6 - St. Bernadette 60th Anniversary 2013

    Chartered on December 6, 1953, St. Bernadette (Calgary) was one of  the earliest CWL councils established in the Calgary Region. This photo was taken at their 60th Anniversary banquet in 2013. Pictured are some of the party celebrants: Geri Dornstauder, Jacquie Baranec, President Dolores DeSousa, Anna Iwaskow, Helen Rennie, and Spiritual Advisor Fr. Newton Rodrigues.

  • March 7 - Travelling Shirt & Pants
    March 7 - Travelling Shirt & Pants

    Bonnie Sturm and Pauline Bodie of St. Ambrose (Coaldale) admire the 62-year old shirt and pants covered with over 400 colorful patches. Pauline’s mom Flora Bodie served as president (1959-1960) and devised the idea of circulating the ensemble at meetings and parish events to raise funds for the church. Patches were cut from her quilting scraps and sewed on, leaving a gap for donations. After donors wrote their name on a patch and inserted their contribution, the gaps were stitched closed. When all patches had been filled, they were carefully opened to remove the contents.

  • March 8 - Happy memories of St Anthony activities
    March 8 - Happy memories of St Anthony activities

    Former president of St. Anthony (Drumheller) Virginia Haahr fondly recalls being invited to join the League at a potluck orientation. Memorable fundraisers were teas, bake sales, and catering countless banquets for weddings, curling bonspiels, etc. “Bring & Buy” auctions were always popular as they served wine and cheese and offered a huge assortment of donated items, baking, and crafts. Annual banquets often included an installation of officers and entertaining skits, games, and sing-a-longs. This 1975 photo shows executive members Marg Windle, Virginia Haahr, Sally Parsons, Mary Bantle, and May Hunter.

  • March 9 - Diocesan Convention 2014
    March 9 - Diocesan Convention 2014

    The 92nd Annual Diocesan Convention was held at the Heritage Inn in High River from May 2-4, 2014.

    The Highwood Region hosted a superb event, despite the catastrophic flooding that damaged many of their communities and countless properties in 2013. Due to the massive cleanup efforts, St. Francis de Sales church looked beautiful for the opening and closing Masses; and there was no evidence that it had been filled with four feet of flood water. 

    We look forward to seeing you at the 100th Annual Diocesan Convention at the Calgary Plaza Hotel from April 29th to May 1st, 2022. Registration deadline is April 10th. Register by March 18 for a chance to win back your registration and convention fees.

  • March 10 - Holy Trinity Council – Early 1970’s
    March 10 - Holy Trinity Council – Early 1970’s

    Holy Trinity (Calgary) was chartered on February 7, 1954 when 23 ladies responded to a call to organize a parish council of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada. The initiative was led by Stella Niedzwiecki and supported by Rev. George Gunnip. Stella was elected as their first president and is shown in the centre row, fifth from the left. Membership grew to a peak of 211 in the mid 1960’s and then waned in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Through the dedication of a core group of faithful women and supportive spiritual advisors, Holy Trinity's membership has rebounded to 65 as they mark their 68th anniversary in 2022. 

  • March 11 - Advent Retreat 2020
    March 11 - Advent Retreat 2020
  • March 12 - Lenten Comfort Bags (2020)
    March 12 - Lenten Comfort Bags (2020)

    Buoyed by their spirit of community, St. Mary’s (Brooks) members chose seniors' "comfort bags" as their 2020 Lenten project. Talented ladies made 53 beautiful hand-sewn bags and filled them with personal hygiene products such as shampoo, body wash, combs, denture cleaner. Many seniors were thrilled to receive a gift from the heart! How fortunate they were to witness Christ in these women who lovingly shared their talents in service to their community. Well done, ladies!

    The project was perfectly timed to finish before the coronavirus outbreak in Alberta! The bags were personally delivered to two nursing homes and a seniors’ manor on March 12th. Project coordinator Carol Schlachter saw the project to fruition before her passing on March 23rd.

  • March 13 - Power Hour Lunches
    March 13 - Power Hour Lunches

    Following COVID protocols, St. Bonaventure (Calgary) hosted two well-attended lunches in the church parking lot in July 2020. The July 3rd event was a celebration of their 45th Anniversary, which included charter member Jeanne Boulet (1975) and parish priests Fr. George Madathikunnath and Fr. Colin O'Rourke. The lively group enjoyed seeing each other in person and praying and laughing together, as they played games, ate cupcakes, and danced the Macarena. The council is blessed to have five of their 68 charter members still holding memberships.

  • March 14 - St. Basil's 65th Anniversary
    March 14 - St. Basil's 65th Anniversary

    St. Basil’s was the second CWL council chartered in Lethbridge and began their League journey on May 8, 1950. They commemorated their 65th Anniversary at a Sunday Mass celebrated by Spiritual Advisor Fr. Kevin Tumback in 2015. Members adeptly performed all Mass ministries and Diocesan President Sharon Malic (RIP) extended congratulations. The council then hosted a social for all parishioners in the hall. Eileen Peta (shown in the front row, far right) served as president 2014-2021.

  • March 15 - St. George CWL reactivated after 22 years
    March 15 - St. George CWL reactivated after 22 years

    St. George CWL (Hanna) was originally chartered on April 24, 1952 and disbanded in 1972. After reactivating in June 1994, they quickly became involved in their parish and community.  Here, the fun-loving council is hosting a fashion show after a parish Christmas dinner in 2010. The gifted models are Jean Beckie, Donna Tohm, Marg Siewert, Janet Tivadar, Marlene Gordon, Dhory Bolinas, Christine Magnan.

  • March 16 - Emily Spagrud and Kay Schell
    March 16 - Emily Spagrud and Kay Schell
  • March 17 - St. Patrick’s Golden Anniversary in 1975
    March 17 - St. Patrick’s Golden Anniversary in 1975

    St. Patrick’s (Lethbridge) celebrated their 50th Anniversary on January 26, 1975. Some of the cheerful guests were: Irene Bertram, Fr. James Carroll, Frances Costanzo, Joyce Lizzi, President Elaine Schill, Cathy Gleason, Mary Wadden (back); and Marietta Moroz (front). The council was renowned for hosting an annual St. Patrick’s Day Tea and Bake Sale on March 17th. They were the first council chartered in the Lethbridge Region (1925) and disbanded 75 years later in 2000.

  • March 18 - Diocesan Council 2017-2019
    March 18 - Diocesan Council 2017-2019

    The 2019 Diocesan Convention at Holy Family Parish, Medicine Hat, was our last in-person convention before pandemic gathering restrictions. Shown are: (standing) Lilia Hlavacek, Barbara Learmont, Jan Morel, Bernice Thomas, Angie Schlachter, Past President Sharon Malec, Marjorie Robinson, Diane Miedema, Debbie Onysyk, Kathleen Winter; (seated) President-Elect Jan Myhre, Bishop William McGrattan, Fr. Jonathan Gibson, President Janet MacPhee. 
    Register today for 2022! One lucky early bird who registers by March 18th will win a refund of her Registration and Convention fees.


  • March 19... Assumption Past Presidents
    March 19... Assumption Past Presidents

    Assumption (Lethbridge) commemorated their 40th Anniversary on October 26, 1994 with a dinner and Mass celebrated by Bishop Paul O’Byrne. Shown are past presidents: (back) Ann Anderson, Sharon Hagel, Mieke Rice, Marie Boras, Zyla Wentz; and (front) Anne Joevenazzo, Kathy VanDellen, Bishop O'Byrne, Jean Tennant, and Marvis Hayward. Jean Tennant served as their first president (1954-1957) and Bishop O’Byrne served as the sixth Bishop of Calgary (1968-1998).

  • March 20... Gratitude Cards
    March 20... Gratitude Cards

    During the COVID pandemic, front-line workers, first responders, personal support workers, and many others put their lives on the line to support people in their care.

    St Thomas More (Calgary) used CWL Gratitude Cards to express appreciation to local essential workers and businesses that held their course so that their community endured the effects of lockdown restrictions.

  • March 21... St. Rita's 90th Anniversary
    March 21... St. Rita's 90th Anniversary

    Remarkably, the oldest council in the Drumheller Region emerged from a small village only seven years after the League organized in 1920. St. Rita (Rockyford) was chartered March 30, 1927 and celebrated their 90th Anniversary on April 1, 2017. The festivity included Mass, followed by cocktails and dinner. All six of their 60+ year members were honored and treated with supper. Members were joined by their husbands, friends, and invited guests from the Rockyford United Church, along with current and past spiritual advisors, and officers from Calgary Diocesan Council. Much reminiscing was enjoyed, as they shared their 90-year journey.

  • March 22... St. Andrew Service Awards
    March 22... St. Andrew Service Awards

    St. Andrew (Vulcan) held their Service Awards presentation in the church on April 26, 2021. Receiving their CWL pins are Karen Dorchak (10 years), Doris Cranston (45 years), Virginia Haahr (50 years), and Lynda Joyce (25 years). Virginia is holding the tribute to Margaret Shaw that was made on January 26, 2022 to celebrate her 100th birthday and 72 years as a League member. Congratulations ladies!

  • March 23... St. Mark's Stampede Breakfast
    March 23... St. Mark's Stampede Breakfast

    The Catholic Women’s League and Knights of Columbus often collaborate to host events at St. Mark’s (Calgary). In 2018, the Knights helped the CWL host a St. Patrick’s Day dinner and the ladies served lunch for the men’s retreat. Here, members wear their signature blue aprons to help with the Knights’ Stampede Breakfast in July: Andrea Clark, Alice Dietrich, Dorraine. Rob, Margaret Inkster, Madalyn Bently, and Dorothy Hall.

  • March 24... St. Basil's Tea
    March 24... St. Basil's Tea

    Members of St. Basil’s (Lethbridge) are shown preparing their handmade ceramics for a Development and Peace fundraiser at their Annual Tea in the 1960’s. Proceeds from the sale of the ceramics and items from the church youth group were donated to the cause. Shown are Elsie Alexander, Louise Troman, Laura Winters, Jean Chumik, and Agnes Olshaski. Laura is the mother of Theresa Prozniak – a member of Our Lady of the Assumption (Lethbridge).

  • March 25... Merry Christmas
    March 25... Merry Christmas

    Carol Schlachter of St. Mary's (Brooks) stands before the illuminated “Merry Christmas” sign in front of the town hall in 2017. After several years of frustration viewing “Season’s Greetings,” Carol urged members to phone and write letters to the town council requesting that the sign be changed to reflect the true meaning of the season. Carol's advocacy demonstrates how a CWL member working with her council can make a difference.

  • March 26... Study the Bible with St. Mary's Cathedral CWL
    March 26... Study the Bible with St. Mary's Cathedral CWL

    Members of St. Mary's Cathedral (Calgary) use their tech skills to extend their Council's impact. Among other things, they have offered several online faith-based studies. The March 2022 "No Greater Love by Edward Sri" five part series attracted 50 participants including their members, other parish men and women, and members of other councils. What a wonderful outreach and leadership!

  • March 27... The Silver Belles
    March 27... The Silver Belles

    The joyful ladies in this 2021 photo are celebrating a bridal shower for one of their members. Many of them met while working on the funeral lunch committee at St. Paul (Airdrie). Over the years, friendships blossomed, new members joined the group, and they became affectionately known as the “Silver Belles”. They faithfully meet for coffee and lively chats after Sunday Mass where they share life stories amid lots of laughter.

  • March 28...1957 Diocesan Convention
    March 28...1957 Diocesan Convention

    Note the fashionable hats worn by members attending the 35th Diocesan Convention in Drumheller.

    Anne Kirby of Lethbridge (front row, 5th right) served as Diocesan President 1957-1959. Journalist Isabella Stevens (front row, 2nd right) was elected to serve on Calgary city council in 1952 and elected CWL National President in 1969. She was awarded the Order of Canada in 1976 for nearly half a century of dedicated service in volunteer organizations in Calgary.

  • March 29... Creative Fundraisers
    March 29... Creative Fundraisers

    Members of St. Gabriel (Chestermere) welcome customers to the drive-thru pick-up for their popular Growing Smiles Flowers & Plants fundraiser in May 2021. They exemplify our resilient councils that have discovered creative ways to fundraise during the pandemic. Many successful events include the convenience of online sales, e-transfer payments, and efficient pick-up and delivery of purchased items. Creative minds inspire others!

  • March 30... CWL Prays the Rosary in Alberta Mackenzie
    March 30... CWL Prays the Rosary in Alberta Mackenzie

    From the onset of the pandemic, ABMK Provincial President Judy Look encouraged us to make relationships and prayer a priority during "our time of retreat at home". She hosted the first virtual CWL Prays the Rosary on May 13, 2020 and has led members in prayer every Wednesday since then. Women across Canada have joined these gatherings to pray, celebrate and support one other.

  • March 31... Funeral Honor Guards
    March 31... Funeral Honor Guards

    CWL members honor their deceased sisters at funerals and memorial Masses in recognition of their service and dedication to the League. The Honor Guard supports and comforts grieving families. It is especially poignant when members hold lighted candles; or when they raise their arms and sing the Blessing Song outdoors.

    Shown here are members from across the diocese performing an honor guard for Life Member Gabrielle Kalincak’s funeral at St. Cecilia’s Church on July 26, 2019. She was a dedicated member of the League throughout her life and held many leadership roles, such as President of St. Cecilia’s CWL and Provincial President for the Military Ordinariate. She also served as President in Chilliwack, BC and in Lahr, Germany.

  • April 1... Lenten Retreat (2017)
    April 1... Lenten Retreat (2017)

    Fr. Malcom D'Souza guided CWL members and other ladies of St. Francis de Sales Parish (High River) in a rejuvenating Lenten retreat on April 1, 2017.

    Councils promote participation in Lenten and Advent retreats, as they are ideal opportunities for more intense prayer, reflection, and spiritual renewal in preparation for the Easter and Christmas season. These retreats offer uplifting experiences and a renewed desire to live our faith in our daily lives.

  • April 2... St. Ambrose 65th Anniversary
    April 2... St. Ambrose 65th Anniversary
  • April 3... Sister Act
    April 3... Sister Act

    Talented members of Holy Cross (Fort Macleod) entertained guests at the 100th anniversary celebration for their church held on December 21, 1997. The energetic chorus sang several hit songs from the 1992 movie, Sister Act. Encore, ladies!

    Constructed in 1898, Holy Cross Church was once the head of Catholic churches in Southern Alberta and the center of missionary activity. The beautifully preserved heritage structure with its prominent tower and cross symbolize the faith of parishioners who are integral to the fabric of the community.

  • April 4... The spiritual aspect of Palliative Care
    April 4... The spiritual aspect of Palliative Care

    Members of St. George (Hanna) recognize that spiritual care is an intrinsic aspect of palliative care. In 2016, they presented a cross for the palliative care room at the Hanna General Hospital. Seated is Donna Tohm; standing: Janet Tivadar, Linda Vienneau (holding patient Eileen Smyth’s hand), Pat Mainman, Jean Beckie, Spiritual Advisor Fr. Newton, President Marg Siewert (holding the cross), and hospital administrator Sandra Rubbelke.

  • April 5... St. Augustine's 90th Anniversary
    April 5... St. Augustine's 90th Anniversary

    St. Augustine (Taber) had a huge turn-out for their 90th anniversary celebration held on June 3, 2017. Attendees included Spiritual Advisor Fr. Eli Canete (front row), Past President Gloria Cyr on his left, and President Darla Machacek on his right.

    The council was chartered in April 1927 under the spiritual guidance of parish priest, Fr. E.J. McCoy, and the leadership of President Julia Kerkoff. Julia's great-granddaughter Becky Lorenz was the youngest of 117 members in 2017. Anne Chontosh (2nd row, far right) was the longest serving member in attendance with 67 years of service. One member with 73 years of service was unable to attend the celebration.

    Early council projects included fundraising to pay off the church debt (constructed in 2011) and to furnish the rectory.

  • April 6... St. Gerard's Council Whoops It Up
    April 6... St. Gerard's Council Whoops It Up

    Members of St. Gerard (Calgary) whoop it up at the 2019 National Convention held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Calgary.

    April 6th is the last day to qualify for the special group rate of $119 per night (including breakfast for two!) at the Calgary Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre for the 100th Annual Diocesan Convention. Book your room by calling the hotel at 1-403-248-8888 and quoting Block ID 128452. Yahoo!

  • April 7... Memorial Masses and Services
    April 7... Memorial Masses and Services

    We honor our deceased members and spiritual advisors during touching memorial services and Masses held by parish councils and at every diocesan, provincial, and national convention. We recall their memory, gifts of service, and our bonds of friendship and community. Here, members of Holy Trinity (Blairmore) pose after their Mass on November 12, 2010. Access the Memorial Service for Deceased Members on the National website.

  • April 8... Elizabeth’s Treasures
    April 8... Elizabeth’s Treasures

    Elizabeth O'Neill was the CWL representative for the Girl Guides for many years and remained a CWL member until her passing in 1990. Catherine Jeffery (St. Peter’s, Calgary) submitted this letter found in her mother’s treasures that wishes Elizabeth and her husband Hugh happiness in their marriage. The letter is dated September 26, 1947 and signed by Friendship Convenor Frances Tompkins on behalf of the Business and Professional Women’s Unit of the CWL. Read the entire letter. Business & Professional Women’s CWL Councils were organized in major cities across Canada in 1938.

  • April 9... St Martha's CWL awards outstanding supporters
    April 9... St Martha's CWL awards outstanding supporters

    St. Martha’s (Lethbridge) was chartered April 9, 1987 – seven years before the church was built in 1994. Until then, the Maranatha Church kindly allowed them to meet in their facility. The photo of their service awards on September 27, 2020 shows President-Elect Leslie Gatner presenting charter member Roberta Woodward with her 60-year pin and President Adele Royer presenting Fr. William Monis with his Spiritual Advisor pin.

  • April 10... Diocesan Executive 1991-1993
    April 10... Diocesan Executive 1991-1993

    Pictured are Diocesan Officers at the Calgary Diocesan CWL Convention held in High River in 1991: Carol Munchrath, Mary Heinzlmeir, Norma Katterhagen, Past President Joan Baudais, Betty Lodermeier, Olive Desmarais, Joan Gill, President-Elect Ella Ell, and President Florence Bernakevitch.

  • April 11... Welcome Back St. Michael's!
    April 11... Welcome Back St. Michael's!

    St. Michael (Calgary) was chartered in 1959 and disbanded in 2011. Diocesan President Jan Myhre installed the first executive of their reactivated council on May 15, 2018. Shown are: Jan Myhre, Carla Berezowski (First Vice President), Melanie Spagrud (Treasurer/Organization), Nicole Kraljic (Secretary), Pascale Kanbour (President), Darlene Dawson (Spiritual), Debbie Wagner (President-Elect), and Fr. John Nemanic (Spiritual Advisor).

    The council’s May meeting has become a special social event themed, “Mary’s Birthday Party.” The occasion is a celebration of our mother Mary and all mothers. 

  • April 12... Labyrinth Prayer Walk & Bonfire Retreat
    April 12... Labyrinth Prayer Walk & Bonfire Retreat

    St Mary's Cathedral (Calgary) hosted its first Labyrinth Prayer Walk and Bonfire Retreat at the FCJ Centre on September 7, 2021. After leading the walk, accredited labyrinth prayer facilitator Sister Alicia Dykstra (red plaid shirt), invited members to a casual sharing time around the bonfire. Participants valued the opportunity to nurture their sisterhood and gave the retreat rave reviews.

    Labyrinths became part of Catholic practice as early as the fourth century and were laid into the floors of the great Catholic cathedrals in Europe, including Chartre Cathedral in France (world heritage site). 

    If praying in the outdoors makes you feel closer to God, consider organizing a walking meditation for your council. If you do not have access to a labyrinth, consider using a local park or green space.

  • April 13... 56th Annual Calgary Diocesan Convention
    April 13... 56th Annual Calgary Diocesan Convention
  • April 14... St Andrew's Election of Officers
    April 14... St Andrew's Election of Officers

    Members of St. Andrew (Vulcan) pose in the church after their election of officers in 2014: (back) Millie Bagozzi, Mary Lou Fischl, Agnese Pasolii, Lynn Kleke, Bev Cranch; (front) Betty Matloch, Karen Dorchak, Sue Jackson, Pat Fath, and Margaret Shaw.  St. Andrew was chartered on October 26, 1932 and is the second oldest of five councils in the Highwood Region.

  • April 15... Outdoor Way of the Cross
    April 15... Outdoor Way of the Cross

    Celina Curtis, Donna Pittman, and Elaine Wiedemann of St. Paul (Airdrie) take part in an annual outdoor Way of the Cross hosted by St. Paul's Catholic Church and the Airdrie Catholic Prayer Group since 2015. The procession is held on Good Friday as a re-enactment of Christ’s trial, crucifixion, and resurrection. This public display of our faith begins and ends at St. Paul’s Church; and processes along the pathways of Nose Creek Park with stops for prayer and meditation at 14 stations of the cross along the way.

  • April 16... Holy Name 60th Anniv 2014
    April 16... Holy Name 60th Anniv 2014

    Holy Name (Calgary) celebrated their 60th anniversary on November 15, 2014. The council was chartered on November 18, 1954 and is among several others in Calgary that joined the League in the 1950’s and 1960’s.

  • April 17... Calgary Diocesan Easter Basket Project
    April 17... Calgary Diocesan Easter Basket Project

    Calgary Diocesan Council has been building a relationship with the Stardale Women's Group, which offers weekly classes for young Indigenous women. The girls learn life skills, foundational learning and literacy, and advocacy for themselves, their families and communities. Parish councils generously responded to our first “Easter Basket Project” and surpassed the goal of providing an Easter basket for each of the 29 girls in the program. The photo shows the beautiful baskets collected at the Calgary Regional meeting on April 4th.

  • April 18... 50th Annual Diocesan Convention
    April 18... 50th Annual Diocesan Convention

    Officers of Calgary Diocesan Council pose for a photo at the 50th Annual Diocesan Convention in 1972. Standing: Sherry Palmer, Theresa Michaniuk (1st Vice President), Margetta Thielen, Catherine Harris, Margarita Scherer (Secretary). Seated: Edith McDowell (President), Reverend Walter Krewski (Priest Consultor), Norah Davies (Past President).

  • April 19... St Peter's 2014 Convention Delegates
    April 19... St Peter's 2014 Convention Delegates

    Delegates from St. Peter’s (Calgary) are enjoying their sisterhood at the 92nd Calgary Diocesan Convention held in High River, May 2-4, 2014. Shown are: (back) Judy Montes, Catherine Jeffery, Gwen Caldwell, Jan Myhre, Debbie Wagner, Patty West, Karin Prenner; and (front) Lisa Bell, Gabrielle Simpson, Denise Coutts, Mary Pasco.

  • April 20... St. Augustine Past Presidents
    April 20... St. Augustine Past Presidents

    Past Presidents of St. Augustine (Taber) pose at their 60th anniversary in June 1987. Fond memories are selling raffle tickets for 5 cents, organizing International Food Fairs, hosting fall suppers, and helping the Knights with their Cornfest booth. The active council also ran a clothing bank in Taber for 25 years.

  • April 21... Congratulations St. Patrick's, Medicine Hat!
    April 21... Congratulations St. Patrick's, Medicine Hat!

    St. Patrick's church (Medicine Hat) was constructed in 1912 and is a National Historic Site. St. Patrick’s CWL was chartered on May 7, 1924 and is the longest serving CWL council in the Diocese of Calgary. Congratulations on your 98th anniversary in 2022 and best wishes for your milestone 100th anniversary in 2024! Here, CWL members are beautifully dressed in white and blue for two group photos that were published in the parish directory in 2018.

  • April 22... Purse and Scarf Sale
    April 22... Purse and Scarf Sale

    Members of Holy Name (Calgary) demonstrate how to integrate “fun” into their fundraisers. Here, they are hosting a popular Purse and Scarf Sale in 2019. Shown are: (back) Gloria Dingwell, Carolyn Cheryba, Ina Franks, Barb Szulczewski, Shirley Kelly, and Helen Fuller; (front) Liz Mendonsa and Jill Moroney.

  • April 23...Teaching Culinary Skills
    April 23...Teaching Culinary Skills

    St. Bonaventure (Calgary) hosts an annual baking workshop for enthusiastic participants from the parish youth group. In each workshop, members teach about 40 students how to follow a recipe, measure ingredients, and safely handle sharp kitchen tools. Participants learn new skills through the hands-on classes; and take home their baking along with the recipe. The popular event has included tasty treats such as apple pies (displayed in this 2015 photo), apple crisp, bread pudding, pizza, chocolate chip cookies, and fruit kabobs.
    As photos of the youth are unavailable due to FOIP, CWL member Lorraine Clark is shown teaching baking skills to her 5-year old granddaughter Sienna. Spending quality time with  youth creates  strong bonds and lasting memories.

  • April 24... Our Honorary Life Members
    April 24... Our Honorary Life Members

    Honorary Life Membership is an exclusive award bestowed on a national president upon completion of her two-year term of office. These women have served the League with grace and dedication; and have given members the gift of their time and talent during their leadership roles at all council levels.

    Calgary CWL Diocesan Council is blessed to have three Honorary Life Members living in our diocese: Vivian Bosch, Marie Cameron, Agnes Bedard. This delightful trio has been inspired by the Holy Spirit to serve members across Canada. They exemplify wisdom, vision and passion, and we honor their service and devotion. Their love of the league and enthusiastic, can-do attitude inspires others to develop their skills and to take on leadership roles in their council and beyond.

  • April 25... The League Prayer
    April 25... The League Prayer
  • April 26... Our Lady of Good Counsel
    April 26... Our Lady of Good Counsel

    The icon at Genazzano is about a foot wide and eighteen inches high. It depicts a mother figure that is half turned toward her son and half toward the viewer, reflecting Mary’s concern for both Jesus and his Church. If Our Blessed Mother is willing to ask her Son to work miracles to let us know of her motherly concern, Our Lady of Good Counsel is certainly willing to speak words of advice and instruction to help us over the hurdles of our daily lives. Our Lady of Good Counsel, pray for us!


Calgary Diocesan Council's 100th Anniversary

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Calgary Diocesan Council’s centennial anniversary is a celebration of our incredible sisterhood of Catholic women who joyfully live their call to ministry through the League. Our 100-year journey is attributed to generations of devoted members who have embodied a spirit of faith, service, and social justice in their parish and community.

This historic occasion is a grand opportunity to celebrate who we are as Catholic women and as a Catholic women’s organization. What a wonderful occasion to pay tribute to our pioneering sisters and to express gratitude for members’ blessings to the League and each other.

The Anniversary Planning Committee has launched several initiatives as listed below:

  • Commemorative Prayer Card — gifted to every member at the 100th Diocesan Convention
  • Keepsake History Book — in progress
  • Instagram — featuring photos of council anniversaries and events; and members in action during the last century
  • Spiritual Pilgrimage — Shrine Church of Our Lady of the Rockies, Canmore

You can Bring our Vibrant History to Life!

Browse through your personal and council photo albums for historic photos for our history book. Email them to Janet MacPhee.

Email Anniversary Planning Committee Chair Diane Miedema with your photos, comments, or questions.


Diocesan Council's 100th Anniversary Lapel Pins - These beautiful souvenir pins are only $5 each, including delivery. They are white and royal blue with gold printing. They are 1 3/8" wide and have two push pins for stay-put security. The pins are a great gift for yourself and other members!

Purchase at the Diocesan Convention or order through Renee Spohn at 403-892-6641; etransfer funds to .

Celebrate our Success! 

One of the great contributions of CWL in our Diocese is the creation and funding of the CWL Chair for Catholic Studies at St Mary's University. Read about it on our Education page and let everyone know about this incredible accomplishment - we want all councils and parishes in the Diocese to know about and share our pride in this achievement.

To increase awareness and help support the Chair financially, Calgary Diocesan Council has launched a Red Shirt fundraiser. The shirts are $40 with the profits donated to the StMU Chair. These high-quality shirts are a beautiful deep red and are available in sizes XS to XXL. Made in Egypt of 61% polyester and 39% cotton; machine washable. Wear yours with pride and be ready to tell everyone who compliments you about the CWL Chair for Catholic Studies.



A tribute from Bishop McGrattan

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The members of the Catholic Women’s League in Calgary have dedicated themselves to the Church’s mission in ways that have supported families, parishes, and communities.  Your legacy of work covers many areas including spiritual growth, education, and advocacy for the teachings of the Faith to be evident in the secular community.  You have consistently witnessed to the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death and you have explored creative ways to support access to palliative care, hospice and home care for those facing terminal illness or who are close to death in your local communities.  This work brings you faithfully to prayer and you bring this commitment to prayer to your homes, parishes, and your CWL colleagues.

For 100 years or more, you have “put your minds, hearts and hands together to serve God, the Church and Canada”. 

I take this opportunity to thank you for your witness to the Faith, and your dedicated efforts to be leaders in your parish communities. 

May God continue to bless each of you and the good works you undertake in his name!