PART XV: Representation at Annual Conventions
Section 1: Delegates
(a) Voting delegates are the presidents of each council comprising of the council in session.
If the president is unable to attend the annual convention, the president-elect, a vicepresident or an appointed executive member shall be the designate.
(b) Accredited Delegates - Each parish council in the diocese concerned may send TWO accredited delegates to the annual diocesan convention. Other Accredited Delegates are Diocesan Council Officers, Regional Chairs, Honorary Life Members, Life Members.
Section 2: Voting Powers
(a) Voting delegates shall take part in all proceedings and shall have the power to vote on all questions.
(b) Accredited delegates may take part in the business sessions of the annual convention and vote on any question except the election of officers, amendments to the Constitution & Bylaws and increase in per capita fees.
Section 3: Instructed Vote
An instructed vote requires the voting delegate to vote according to the instructions of the council represented. A voting delegate holding an instructed vote is deemed to hold a group proxy for the council represented.
PART XVI: Eligibility, Nominations and Elections
Section 5: Election of Officers
(a) For the election of officers, the instructed vote applies on the first ballot only.
(b) If the voting delegate does not have an instructed vote from the executive, she forfeits her privilege to vote on first and all subsequent ballots for that position.

The Annual Diocesan Convention is the annual meeting of the Diocesan Council. The Diocesan Council consists of:
- the diocesan officers,
- the presidents of the parish councils in this diocese (or her designate),
- parish accredited delegates,
- honorary life members and life members, and,
- in our diocese, the regional chairs.
The Fall meeting as well as the Pre- and Post-Convention meetings are meetings of the Diocesan Executive, which consists of the Diocesan Officers and the Presidents of Parish Councils, although all members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Section 5 of the Calgary Diocesan CWL Policies & Procedures Manual states that delegates to the Diocesan Conventions are:
- Voting Delegates - the president of each Parish Council or her designate
- Accredited Delegates - each Parish Council may send two accredited delegates to diocesan conventions. Diocesan officers, regional chairpersons, and honorary life and life members also have accredited delegate status at conventions.
Voting Powers
- Executive Meetings:
- At meetings of the Executive (fall, pre- and post-convention meetings), diocesan officers and parish council presidents shall have the power to vote on all questions
- Diocesan Conventions:
- Voting Delegates shall have the power to vote on all questions
- Accredited Delegates may take part in the convention meeting and shall have the power to vote on all questions except election of officers, increase in per capita fees, and amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws.
- Voting cards, colour coded according to the voting and accredited privileges, shall be provided with registration materials and shall be used for all voting at conventions.
- Members may take part in the general sessions of meetings and conventions but shall have no voting power.