When booking hotel rooms, keep in mind that there are fees in addition to the room rate:

  • Provincial Tourism Levy. As of October 1, 2024, any operator or broker that collects payment for temporary accommodation in Alberta is required to register and collect, report and remit the tourism levy (4%). Source: https://www.alberta.ca/tourism-levy
  • GST - 5%
  • Destination Marketing Fee. The collection of DMFs is not legislated or regulated by the government. Participating hotels and motels collect these fees on a voluntary basis. You can opt out if you wish. Source: Alberta Hotel & Lodging Association
  • Eco fee


Diocesan Conventions

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The Diocesan Convention is a business, social and spiritual assembly of Catholic women, spiritual advisors and guests. It is a celebration of the work accomplished by the League in the past year, where members meet old friends, make new ones and gain knowledge from speakers and the workshops presented.

Following are some important points to remember.

Parish Councils:

Bring your council banner and stand to the convention for a colourful display of unity.

Section 5 of the Calgary Diocesan CWL Policies & Procedures Manual states that delegates to the Diocesan Conventions are:

  1. Voting Delegates - the president of each Parish Council or her designate
  2. Accredited Delegates - each Parish Council may send two accredited delegates to diocesan conventions. Diocesan officers, regional chairpersons, and honorary life and life members also have accredited delegate status at conventions.

Voting Powers

  • Voting Delegates shall have the power to vote on all questions.
  • Accredited Delegates may take part in the convention meeting and shall have the power to vote on all questions except election of officers, increase in per capita fees, and amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws.
  • Voting cards, colour coded according to the voting and accredited privileges, shall be provided with registration materials and shall be used for all voting at conventions.
    • Voting delegates get a red card; accredited delegates get a blue card. Raise the card to vote.
  • Other members may take part in the general sessions of meetings and conventions but shall have no voting power.

Parish Council Presidents are part of the Diocesan Executive and it is important that the Voting Delegate attend the Post-Convention Meeting to vote on the financial motions.

Delegates, please note:

When you arrive at the convention, you need to sign in at the registration tables and pick up your convention materials. Convention name badges will be provided in your package.

Any member on the convention floor must wear a name badge and be registered for all meetings.

Be sure to wear your CWL pin(s) & scarf if you have one.

All attendees are encouraged to wear red on Friday in honor of missing and murdered women.


Check our archives below for information and reports from previous Calgary Diocesan conventions:

The 2023 Calgary Diocesan Convention was held on May 5th and 6th, 2023 at the Highwood Centre and Francis de Sales Parish in High River.

The 2022 Calgary Diocesan Convention was held May 5th - 6th, 2022 at the Premier Best Western Calgary Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre, in Calgary, AB.

The 2021 Calgary Diocesan Annual Meeting of Members was held virtually on Saturday, May 1st, 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 2020 Calgary Diocesan Convention was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the reports.

The 2019 Calgary Diocesan Convention was held on May 3rd, 4th and 5th in Medicine Hat.

The 2018 Calgary Diocesan Convention was held on May 4th, 5th and 6th in Drumheller.

The 2017 Calgary Diocesan Convention was held on May 5th, 6th and 7th at the Executive Royal Hotel, Calgary.

The 2016 Calgary Diocesan Convention was held on April 29th, 30th & May 1st, 2016 at The Coast Lethbridge Hotel & Conference Centre 

Convention 2015 was held on May 1st, 2nd & 3rd, 2015 at St. Luke's Parish in Calgary. The Theme was "One Heart - One Voice - One Mission".

Convention 2013 was held May 3rd to 5th, 2013 at St. Mary's University College in Calgary. Women from Hanna to Milk River were among over 200 enthusiastic participants during the two-day convention.