Totus Tuus Rosary Makers Association, Calgary

We have been making and distributing rosaries since October 1997. We were incorporated by the government of the province of Alberta as a non-profit organization in the ‘Year of the Rosary’ on July 3, 2003.
Effective August 12, 2003, we have also been granted status as a registered charity by the Federal Government of Canada. (Reg. # 87899 1801 RR0001).
We are also a registered Lay Association within our Diocese of Calgary.
‘TOTUS TUUS’ is Latin for ‘Totally Yours’.
In 1978 when (Saint) John Paul II became Pope, he consecrated his pontificate to the Blessed Virgin Mary and adopted this Latin phrase, ‘TOTUS TUUS’ as his personal motto.
Our Rosary Makers group would not exist without the inspiration and continued guidance of the Blessed Virgin Mary – thus the group belongs totally to Mary. Furthermore, each member strives, as an individual, to belong totally to Mary, as well.
So we consecrate ourselves totally to Mary so that, through her, we can belong totally to Jesus.
Our only aim is to give honor and glory to God by encouraging devotion to Our Lady through praying the Rosary. We do this by teaching students how to make and pray the Rosary in our schools and by making and sending Rosaries to the missions.
We have visited over 80 of our Catholic Schools (most more than once) in Calgary and area, including Airdrie, Okotoks, High River and Brooks. We have made rosaries and prayed with thousands of children from Kindergarten to Grade 9. In addition we have also worked with and made presentations to High School Students and Reconciliation, Confirmation and RCIA candidates and others.
Many more thousands of our rosaries have been sent to various destinations in Canada and the United States, as well as to foreign destinations, including Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Dubai, Ecuador, El Salvador, England, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, France, Germany, Ghana, Greenland, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Lebanon, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New Guinea, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia, Switzerland, Tanzania, Tobago, Trinidad, Uganda, the Ukraine, Venezuela Viet Nam and Zambia.
We are blessed to have our in-person meetings at Holy Spirit Church (10827-24 St. S.W. Calgary). These are held on Tuesdays at 9:30 am, after morning Mass, until noon. Our membership includes over 60 men, women and children. You are most welcome to drop in and learn how to make Rosaries, pray and experience and enjoy the warm fellowship which has developed in this very special group.
The rosaries we make at the schools and the rosaries made for the missions and hospitals are never sold, they are always given away. While donations are always appreciated they are never necessary. If you would like to support this beautiful work of our Lady, we will be happy to issue an official income tax receipt. Please make cheques payable to Totus Tuus Rosary Makers Association.
We make and sell a wonderful variety of rosaries in order to help fund our ministry. Our hand-made rosaries include crystal, olive wood and rose petal bead rosaries, decade rosaries, car rosaries, rosary bracelets, children’s rosaries and more. These are available in the Display Case at Holy Spirit Church or by contacting Margaret at . Please pray for us and for this beautiful work of our Blessed Mother, who promised to change the world through this powerful Sacramental.
Our Lady asks us to pray for |
Peace in our hearts |
Peace in our families |
Peace in our world |