If you have special prayer intentions please forward the information to Judy - It is so much easier if you do that ahead of time. If you don't send them before Wednesday, they may be missed.
Rosary Login
Spread the word among your council and friends. Everyone is welcome to join us!
The Rosary will begin at 7:30 but for those who like to visit before the Rosary we start at 7. For those who do not want to visit or are busy, please join us for 7:30.
Contact Judy by email at
or by phone 403-281-3048(H)
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Every week through March 2025, join Zoom Meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82633854455?pwd=jiOlnkdfZFQR27Ly7r4bFwF23Ue5Gc.1#success