Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

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1. Requests for funding will be evaluated on an individual basis by diocesan and provincial presidents and the national chairperson of organization as outlined on the application form at
Councils at all levels may apply for assistance once in a calendar year. Prior to being considered for a national subsidy, councils must explore subsidy opportunities at intervening levels. (e.g. a parish council would first approach diocesan, then provincial, then national). Therefore, Parish Councils should consult with Diocesan Council before applying for this assistance.

2. Requests for funding should be submitted to:

  • visit parishes without councils to present on the benefits of membership
  • assist in the organization of parish councils
  • assist parish, diocesan and provincial councils to promote League leadership training and other development workshops
  • promote League development through spiritual development

Note: Beginning January 1, 2021 and until further notice, funding requests will be considered only for the purposes of advancing the League’s envisioned future through the workshops and programs approved by the board for this purpose. These include:

  1. Catholic social teaching modules on Care for God's Creation and the Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
  2. Executive orientation for all levels
  3. Spiritual formation workshop
  4. Strategic planning update workshops
  5. Welcome Program (2020)

3. When planning a workshop, consideration should be given to:

  • the structure of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada, its levels, standing committees, responsibilities of officers, parliamentary procedure, and effective meetings
  • using CWL resource materials
  • the development of spiritual programs
  • whether the workshop is being held in conjunction with a diocesan/provincial meeting