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National Bursary Fund Revised August 16, 2023

“The bursary fund is used to provide financial assistance to members needing it to pursue studies, courses, seminars, conferences, workshops, and diploma/degree programs that align with and promote the Objects of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada.”

The Objects of the League shall be to unite the Catholic women of Canada:

  1. to achieve individual and collective spiritual development
  2. to promote the teachings of the Catholic church
  3. to exemplify the Christian ideal in home and family life
  4. to protect the sanctity of human life
  5. to enhance the role of women in church and society
  6. to recognize the human dignity of all people everywhere
  7. to uphold and defend Christian education and values in the modern world
  8. to contribute to the understanding and growth of religious freedom, social justice, peace and harmony


In 1988, the League received two generous donations in response to the call for lay formation in Pope John Paul II’s Exhortation, Christifideles Laici. In light of the expressed desire of the League to encourage members’ service “For God and Canada”, the national
executive agreed by motion that these donations be used to establish a bursary fund.

The bursary fund is used to provide financial assistance to members needing it to pursue studies, courses, seminars, conferences,
workshops and diploma/degree programs that align with and promote the Objects of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada.”

U.S. courses may be pursued if the program is not available in Canada.

The national bursary committee receives applications and administers the bursary annually. The value of the bursaries awarded depends on the interest generated from the fund and donations received in any given year and the number of qualified applicants.

The national bursary fund continues to grow with generous support received from members and councils.


  1. In her third consecutive year of membership and any year thereafter, a member may apply.
  2. Applicants must demonstrate an active involvement in pastoral services and be prepared to serve the church in their province, diocese or parish.
  3. Courses, etc. may be taken prior to bursary acceptance, but must be taken within one year following acceptance.
  4. Upon proof of acceptance into the designated program, funds will be forwarded by national office in the decided amount to the institution administering the program or to the applicant if proof of payment is submitted. Proof of acceptance must be received within 30 days of approval of the award; otherwise the bursary will lapse.
  5. The applicant will provide acknowledgement of completion of the course, seminar, conference, workshop, diploma or degree programs along with a letter from the applicant expressing what she has gained from the program and how she will be sharing this with her community in the future.
  6. Applicants receiving an award may reapply for a maximum of three additional one-year periods. The applications do not need to be in consecutive years.


  1. Applications must be made on the official form, which is available online at
  2. Two letters of recommendation must accompany the completed form. One letter of recommendation must be from the applicant’s CWL parish council president; the other from a non-relative. Each letter must indicate the name of the reference, and his or her position and relationship to the applicant.
  3. Applications must be submitted to national office and postmarked by May 15th. To ensure that no oversight occurs, the applicant should inform national office that the application has been sent. The bursary committee meets in June and the successful applicants are notified by letter. Announcement is made by June 30th on and in The Canadian League.
  4. Decisions of the bursary committee shall be final.
  5. The maximum bursary award is $1,000 per year per applicant, for a maximum of $4,000 over a member’s lifetime.
  6. The application form, with two letters of recommendation should be sent to
    CWL National Office
    C-702 Scotland Avenue
    Winnipeg MB, R3M 1X5
    Fax: (204) 927-2321
  7. A T4A slip will be sent to all bursary recipients by February 28th of the year following receipt of any bursary award exceeding $500.00.

 The application deadline is May 31 each year. The form may be downloaded by accessing Resources, Forms and clicking on item 552 under member forms.