The Lethbridge Regional Meeting is being held at St. Isidore's in Allerston. It is approximately 20 minutes east of Milk River on Highway 501. Google Maps directions are "24004 Range Rd 141 Coutts AB". Coutts has to be put in or it shows a different area in the province.
8:30 AM - Registration (Coffee/Snacks)
9:00 AM - Business
10:00 AM - Mass
10:45 AM - Break (Coffee/Snacks)
11:00 AM - Guest Speaker Father Pawel Andrasz "Divine Mercy"
12:00 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - Old / New Business
2:00 PM - Other Items
The registration fee of $25 includes lunch.
RSVP to Charlotte Blust or Trudy Niggli by March 7th indicating how many members from your council will be attending and if anyone has food allergies or special diet needs.