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There has been much discussion about the criteria for the Maple Leaf Service Pins. Below is an article that Carol Schlachter wrote on the subject when she was President of the Calgary Diocesan CWL Council. We hope you find it helpful:

There have been many questions with regard to the Maple Leaf Service Pin and I feel there needs to be some clarification.

The National CWL Policy & Procedure Manual states:

The maple leaf service pin was introduced in 1971 for members who have served the League in an exceptional or meritorious manner. This pin must be ordered by a council as a presentation item. It is the responsibility of the council to determine criteria for the awarding of the pin. Suggested criteria:

  • be an active members for a minimum length of service of 7 to 10 years
  • have performed specific outstanding League service on a one-time basis or over several years

That’s it! Apparently some years ago, national discussed the possibility of a more complete criteria but it was impossible for them to create anything additional to the above.

Number 1 – Each member and each council is unique. So the specific criteria decision remains with the council itself. What is it that your whole group (your membership, not just your executive) see as being exceptional or meritorious? A brainstorming session and a written policy regarding the Maple Leaf Service Pin for your individual council would be very advantageous now and in the future for new members and officers.

From experience we have realized that a member or a group of members in a council see a specific member as a deserving recipient of the special award. Either a member or a group of members nominate their choice. There should be a letter of nomination written up with all of the reasons the nominee should be considered for the Maple Leaf Service pin. This letter should be signed by those who are making the nomination. The nomination letter then is given to the president or organization chair who is obligated to bring it to the “entire” council. A vote is taken and majority rules should the nominee receive the award. Sometimes we are required to do this in a secret fashion to keep a surprise for the recipient.

Keep in mind that there is a form online from national that must be filled in to order the Maple Leaf Service pin. This form must be sent to the ordering clerk at the national office. The form was merely created to prove that a council is ordering the award for a deserving member.

It must be understood that the Maple Leaf Service pin although in the catalogue, is not an item that can be purchased for oneself.

Hopefully this clears up some of the questions or misunderstandings.

Carol Schlachter