Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

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In The Catholic Women’s League of Canada, life membership gives to the recipient, in addition to the honour, a permanent place on the national council, the same voting privileges as accredited delegates at an annual meeting or convention [C&B, Part XIV, Section 2 (c)], a voice in its affairs and eligibility for a national appointment. A life member receives notice of the annual national convention and, at her request, a copy of the minutes, plus copies of all relevant mailings from national office.

Life membership is not intended to be a reward for years of service or a retirement gift. There are appropriate ways of honouring members for their dedication to the League. Privilege entails responsibility. National council requires support and active service from its life members.

Only diocesan and provincial executives are entitled to submit applications for life membership in accordance with the established criteria. The notice of nomination must be approved by the diocesan/provincial executive by motion at an executive meeting indicating support for the nomination. The responsibility for making the application is with the submitting diocesan/provincial executive as it knows the individual’s record of service. The national executive verifies that the criteria have been met and approves the application for life membership. Provincial and diocesan executives should consider whether or not they wish to add requirements in their own policy and procedures manuals, provided these additions do not contravene the national criteria.

Criteria for Life Membership

  1. The nominee must have been a member of the League in good standing for at least 10 years.
  2. All nominees must have been a diocesan or provincial president.
  3. The nominee must have held executive positions at diocesan level for a minimum of four years.
  4. The nominee must have held executive positions at provincial level for a minimum of four years, not to include term served as diocesan president, at the time she is presented with her life membership.
  5. The nominee must have demonstrated her love of the League, her encouragement of others and her ability to participate in study, research, presentations, workshops, etc.
  6. The nominee must be available and willing to continue to serve the League at national level on committees, preparing briefs, researching reports and resolutions, facilitating workshops and attending conferences at the request of the national president.


Honorary Life Member Pin
An honorary life member pin is awarded to each retiring national president at the termination of her term of office.