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Dr. Rose Geonzon

Dr. Rose was born in the Philippines and immigrated to Canada in 1975, spending more than half of her life in Calgary. She is married with one child and two granddaughters, ages 16 and 13, and both are studying in the Catholic school system.

She was first exposed to CWL while in the Philippines. She was a family doctor who volunteered at the CWL Charity Clinic every weekend for three years. She realized her passion for the League when she was invited to join in 1984. She was busy with her profession as a family physician and didn’t become active until eight years ago when she joined the executive at Holy Trinity, Calgary as Education & Health Chair. She then served as President Elect and Organization Chair before her term as President from 2016-2018.

Despite being very busy in her medical practice, Dr. Rose is involved in various ministries at Holy Trinity. She served as Parish Council President, as well as music director of the 11:00 a.m. mass. She coordinates the “Christmas Concert around the World” at Christmas; and coordinates and directs the “Passion Play of Jesus Christ” on Good Friday. After attending the Eucharistic Convention in Montreal in 2002, she introduced the “Children of Hope” to Holy Trinity Parish. She is involved in fundraising for church renovations; and is happy to serve, in Jesus’ name, to share her hobbies and passion for music by singing in the choir and teaching music to children.

Dr. Rose is also active in the Lions Club, serving and helping people to improve their lives. Her involvement in the Filipino Canadian community helps people to preserve their heritage by sharing and teaching young generations its rich heritage and culture.

Although she is slowing her medical practice, Dr. Rose is still greatly involved as clinical preceptor at the University of Calgary for the “International Medical Graduates,” helping them qualify to practice medicine in Canada.

Contact her at Christian Family Life