Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

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In The Diocese of Calgary

CanmoreThe Shrine Church of Our Lady of the Rockies

CochraneSt. Francis Retreat Centre – Stations of the Cross

Taber – St. Augustine & St. Joseph – Holy Family Grouping in front of the church, large Grouping of Mount Calvary beside the church

1. Canadian Martyrs – 835 Northmount Drive NW (west of church)
2. Father Lacombe Care Centre – 270 Providence Blvd. (behind the complex) Mary’s grotto
3. Holy Name – 2223 – 34 St SW (in front of the church)
4. Holy Spirit – 10827 – 24 St SW (to the left (west) of the office entrance)
5. Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Church – 1714 – 14 Ave NE at the front of the church Statue of our Lady of Grace
6. Our Lady of Perpetual Help – 400 Edmonton Trail NE (Behind the Church)
7. Sacred Heart Convent – 19 Avenue & 1st St. SW (Between Chapel Structure and School)
8. St. Albert the Great – 10 Prestwick Dr. SE (in front of the church)
9. St. Bonaventure – 1600 Acadia Drive SE (left of the main doors in a little alcove)
10. St. Cecilia’s – 321 – 90 Avenue SE – Bronze statue of Rachel and rosary walk
11. St. Gerard – 8944 Elbow Dr. SW (south side of the church) Immaculate Conception surrounded by small angels with a prayer bench
12. St. Mary’s Cathedral – 18 Ave & 1st St SW (above the front doors of the Cathedral)
13. St. Peter – 541 Silvergrove Dr. NW (west of the church) Benches, moving water
14. St. Stephen Ukrainian – 4903 – 45 St. SW (close to the entrance on the south side of the church)

St. Peter's Grotto - Photo credit: Annie Chirka
