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DATE: October 9, 2020
FROM: Shari Guinta, national first vice-president and chairperson of spiritual development
TO: Parish chairpersons of spiritual development

Our joy in God is missionary: “‘We have found the Messiah’… And he brought him to Jesus. … ‘Come and see’” (Jn 1:41-46).
Greetings to all chairpersons of spiritual development.

October is Extraordinary Missionary Month. October 1st was the date chosen for the League’s National Day of Prayer for Canadian Home Missions. I mentioned this in the last mailing, and I hope that parish councils planned something special and initiated a program or an activity.

The Holy Father’s intention for October 2020 is “The Laity’s Mission in the Church. We pray that by the virtue of baptism, the laity, especially women, may participate more in areas of responsibility in the Church.”

Advent will be next on the calendar. It is hard to believe that time still seems to have moved rather quickly, even without many League activities. The Holy Father’s prayer intention for November is “Artificial Intelligence. We pray that the progress of robotics and artificial intelligence may always serve humankind.”

Even though members have not been able to meet regularly in their parishes, they can still be together and keep in touch. Councils have planned prayer services in church parking lots that have been very positive and well attended. November 29th is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is a prayerful time preparing for the celebration of the birth of Christ. We can do many things to continue to “prepare,” continue to “celebrate.” I urge you to keep in touch with your members. Reach out to them by e-mail and by telephone and even by mail to make everyone feel connected, and prayer does that.

I include a prayer for parishes with this memo that I have used at national administration committee and executive/board meetings. You may wish to consider using it too.

As I write this, children across the country are going back to school. In this time of uncertainty, I pray with you the children, teachers and staff will be safe.

Because of the new experience of community worship and some of the problems parishes are facing or may face, this prayer seemed appropriate.

Prayer for Parishes
Taken from The Catholic Women’s League of Canada League Prayers

God our Father, You gather us together as a sign of Your love for the world.
Pour out Your Spirit upon our parish, grant each of us a new experience of Your grace, a new faithfulness to listen to Your Word, and a new dedication to offer our lives in service to our communities.
We pray Lord that through our parish we may reach out with compassion and healing to all of our neighbours.
We pray for those who suffer from health issues.
We pray for those whose lives are filled with worry, anxiety and loneliness.
We pray for those who suffer from addiction or violence in their lives.
We pray for those who struggle to turn to You in prayer.
God our Father, help us to share our faith with others, so that all people may know the love and peace of Your presence in their lives.
We ask these things through Christ our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, so that Your love may grow among us and Your Kingdom come.

May God bless you.

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