Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

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Dear League Sisters,
As you are finishing your first year as parish past president or the entire term, while possibly preparing for elections as the year ends, you have a very special and important role to fulfill. Past presidents’ are not so much in the spotlight but nonetheless significant.

The Handbook for Past Presidents, page 4, highlights four main duties:

1. Consultation: Why not take the initiative to promote The Catholic Women’s League of Canada Plans Strategically 2018-2022? Post print outs of the League’s revised core purpose, values, mission statement and envisioned future. Encourage other members of the executive through positive attitude and affirmation. Why not use the League’s “Thinking of you” cards?

2. Archives and history: Parish archives should include:

  1. original charter framed and displayed, if possible
  2. minutes of executive/general meetings are the permanent record of council activities and should be kept in dated binders
  3. the recording secretary should retain minutes from the previous two terms only; all other minutes should be transferred to the archival binders
  4. the recording secretary should retain motion books from the previous two terms only; all other motion books should be transferred to the archival binders
  5. all accounting records (including cheques and receipts) should be kept for five years
  6. separate binder for other important information related to the life of the parish council:
    i. list of parish presidents/spiritual advisors with names/addresses and term of office
    ii. list of recipients of maple leaf service pins/League pins, with names and dates of presentations
  7. a record of anniversary dates of all members; this is an excellent reference for awards research
  8. Other:
    1. written histories
    2. scrapbooks and/or albums labeled by date and event
    3. annual reports
    4. special project file with financial statements
    5. sample of newsletters, if applicable
    6. each past president should be encouraged to write a two to three-page story of highlights of her term as president

3. Study and implementation of the Constitution & Bylaws (C&B): In my tool kit I have a series of short simple activities that could be used to focus on the C&B. Councils may need to purchase several copies of the C&B for reference. I would be pleased to share these activities with anyone who would like a copy. Contact Natalia at national office for copies () .

Activities include:

  1. Membership – Organization Activity + Membership – Organization Answers
  2. Duties of Officers Activity + Duties of Officers Answers
  3. Duties of Standing Committees Activity + Duties of Standing Committees Answers
  4. Finance Activity + Finance Answers
  5. Objects of the League Activity + Objects of the League Answers
  6. Crossword Activity + Crossword Answers
  7. JEOPARDY® Activity (used with permission of Lucille Cullen)
  8. Word Search Activity
  9. Acrostic Activity
  10. Word Activity

4. Submit an annual report: Online reporting is available once again, so this will be an easy task.
Keep a monthly record of activity. Perhaps offer to help a fellow executive member who may be having trouble. Advise and assist and use your experience and expertise.

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” (Proverbs 16:3)

God bless,
Margaret Ann Jacobs
National Past President

October 5, 2018