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Bellelle Guerin was the first president of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada.  This National award is presented to a member who has kept the vision and the dream of Bellelle Guerin alive in Canada and the world by dedicating herself to the work of the League in her parish, diocese and/or province. The Bellelle Guerin Award & pin started in in 2007. The motion creating the award and pin was adopted at the annual pre-convention meeting in August of that year.

The Bellelle Guerin Award is presented to members who do not qualify for life membership and who demonstrate love of the League and an availability and willingness to continue to serve. Nominating councils are reminded that the nominee must be an exemplary member of the League, serving at more than one level, who does not and will not qualify for life membership.

The nomination form can be found on the National website at  If you are nominating a member, please let your Diocesan President know so this award can be presented at a diocesan meeting or convention.