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General Tips Information for Councils Events Contact Diocesan Officers Subscribe How to Log in Use the Forum  

We want this website to be the "go-to" resource for CWL Councils (and their members) in the Diocese of Calgary. It is intended to:

  • Give CWL members the resources to be successful
  • Help others understand what CWL is about
  • Be easy to use and to find things.

Following are some of the ways we are working toward that:

If you want to change the size of the font on a website, you can hold down the CTRL key and then tap the - key (minus key) to make it smaller or the + key to make it bigger. CTRL and 0 returns it to the original size. If you forget that, on our website there is a Text Size feature in the blue area between the menu and the content. Just click on the - sign to reduce or the + sign to enlarge.

On the right hand side of that same area, there is a Search box. Use it to find all articles that include specific words.

In the center of that section is the word Subscribe. Click on it to register with us if you want to be emailed when new information is added to the website.

Throughout the website, words that are in blue are links that open a document, take you to a different page or website, or open an email to the person named.

When you open an article, you will see small blue icons in the upper right corner of the article. Click on the "printer" to print a paper copy. Click on the envelop to email someone a link to the article.

When you scroll down on a page, you may see a yellow box with an inverted v in the bottom right corner of your screen. Clicking on that will take you back to the top of the page.

Home Page:

At the top of the left column on the is a "What's New" section that lists the articles published in the last month. You can click on the titles there to go directly to the article.

Also in the left hand column are

  • articles about CWL,
  • information about our Diocesan Executive,
  • and a list of events that are soon taking place.

These items are repeated for your convenience on every page except the Calendar.

For CWL Members:

This is the area specifically intended to support our Councils. The main page has the list of all CWL Councils in the Calgary Diocese, organized according to the geographical Region to which they belong. Where possible, they are linked to the Council's own webpage or their information on the parish's website. Please send any corrections / updates to our webmaster.

There are also sub-menus for the Executive Officers and Standing Committees. Some of those have further sub-menus for articles about relevant issues and responsibilities.

There is also a section for forms and other resources that are commonly needed by Councils.

The Registration option leads you to the same form as the Subscribe link so you can sign up to be emailed when significant new information is added to the website. There is a sub-menu that lets you edit your profile if you need to update your contact information.


Our calendar is a bit more complicated to use, but it can be very versatile to meet your specific needs. laughing

The calendar is actually a composite of  7 contributing calendars - one for Diocesan (and provincial / national events that affect us), one for each region in the Diocese, and one for general special days that you may need to consider when you are planning events. You can choose which of these calendars you want to see by clicking on the arrow above the month. This opens the list of sub-calendars that shows their color-coding and description. Check (or un-check) the options to get the events you want to see.

To the left of the month header is a legend that helps you navigate.

  • The < takes you back one month
  • The > moves you ahead one month
  • The box with the miniature calendar icon opens up to left you ore rapidly move through the months. When you reach the month you want, click on the date you want to open the calendar there.

To the right of the month header are options that let you choose how to view events.

  • Month is the default setting.
  • Week shows an hourly schedule of activities during the week. You may find this useful during Convention time.
  • Day shows the hourly schedule for the specific day you choose..
  • List shows the events starting from the day you chose and for the next several day. Click on any event in the list to get the details on it.


At the bottom of the calendar is a map showing the various locations where the events displayed on that page are taking place.

  • You can place your cursor on the "pin" to see the name of the event.
  • Tapping on the "pin" will open a "tool tip" window with the introductory information about the event.
  • In the tool tip you will see the name of the event in blue. That is a link to the full information about the event.

 The maps are Google maps and you can use them the same way you would any other Google map to move around.


The events on the calendar are shown as blocks (color coded according to the region, etc.) showing the time and name of the event, and some introductory information.  Tap on the event to open up the full information.

When you open an event, you will see some icons on the page.

  • Click on the envelop to email someone the link to the event.
  • Click on the printer to print a hard copy of the event information.

To go back to the calendar, you can click on the link beside the "Calendar" that says which region the event is in, or you can scroll up to the menu and select the calendar tab.

Add your event:

All CWL Councils in the Diocese are welcome to forward any events / activities to which they are inviting their League sisters and the public - anniversary celebrations, fundraisers, retreats, regional meetings, etc. Email the details to the Diocesan Communications Chair or the Webmaster. If you wish, you can use the Event Submission form. We would love to see a full and color-filled calendar!

Contact Us:

Select this tab from the menu to contact any member of the Calgary Diocesan Executive.

  • Click on the small arrow at the end of the box to select the position you want to contact. "Meet Our Officers" is in the column to the left so you can check that information as well.
  • The name of the person holding that position will show so you can verify that that is who you want.
  • Fill in each of the fields in the Contact Form (an * beside the title of any field indicates that it is required.)
    • Where it says "Name", put your name.
    • Where it says "Email", put your email address (where you want the officer to send her reply.)
  • When you have finished, click on the "Send Email" button.

If you have any suggestions for improving this Help page (or any other on the website) please send them to the webmaster through the process described above. Thanks!