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We want this website to be the "go-to" resource for CWL Councils (and their members) in the Diocese of Calgary. It is intended to:
- Give CWL members the resources to be successful
- Help others understand what CWL is about
- Be easy to use and to find things.
Following are some of the ways we are working toward that:
If you want to change the size of the font on a website, you can hold down the CTRL key and then tap the - key (minus key) to make it smaller or the + key to make it bigger. CTRL and 0 returns it to the original size. If you forget that, on our website there is a Text Size feature in the blue area between the menu and the content. Just click on the - sign to reduce or the + sign to enlarge.
On the right hand side of that same area, there is a Search box. Use it to find all articles that include specific words.
In the center of that section is the word Subscribe. Click on it to register with us if you want to be emailed when new information is added to the website.
Throughout the website, words that are in blue are links that open a document, take you to a different page or website, or open an email to the person named.
When you open an article, you will see small blue icons in the upper right corner of the article. Click on the "printer" to print a paper copy. Click on the envelop to email someone a link to the article.
When you scroll down on a page, you may see a yellow box with an inverted v in the bottom right corner of your screen. Clicking on that will take you back to the top of the page.