Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

You can register manually (download a hardcopy form) or fill in and submit the online form below.

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2025 Calgary Diocesan Convention Registration


The Catholic Women’s League of Canada

 103rd Calgary Diocesan Convention

Friday, May 2 and Saturday, May 3, 2025


Registration Form

A separate form is required for each registrant, including clergy!

  April 22nd Registration Deadline
  April 22nd Refund Deadline



  • Breakfast each day is on your own
  • Morning breaks include beverages and snacks
  • Lunches and dinners are at the hotel

Please complete ALL sections of this form. Meals, "Special Needs" and "Comments" are optional.


When your form is successfully submitted, you will be sent an automated email with the details of your submission, payment instructions, and other information.

  • If you don't receive it within 5 minutes, check your "junk" folder. If it is not there, please email our webmaster.

When your form and payment are received, the Registration Chair will email you to confirm that you are paid and registered.

  • If you don’t receive that email by April 21st, please contact Cindy by email or phone at 403-330-8829.

 If you have problems with or comments about the form itself, email our webmaster. It may be helpful to include a phone number she can call to discuss it with you.

Convention Meetings

Friday – Pre-Convention Meeting:

Friday is an informative day with motivational guest speakers, and we invite our spiritual advisors to join us. Clergy are welcome to spend the day to hear the speakers, or just come for lunch. They do not pay registration fees if they are attending only the lunch on Friday. Parish Councils should pay for their Spiritual Advisor’s lunch (and fees if staying for the entire day). We will introduce all the spiritual advisors who have joined us.

Dinner is at the hotel. Mass is at 7:00 pm, followed by the Opening Ceremony, then a Wine & Cheese Social.

Saturday – Convention Meeting:

We begin our convention meeting with our Memorial Service for deceased members and spiritual advisors, followed by the business session.

The closing Mass will start at 5:00 pm, followed by the the Closing Ceremony. Dinner will be held at 7 pm.

Everyone attending the Friday or Saturday meetings must pay the relevant registration fee:
  Friday Saturday Both Friday
and Saturday
Registration Fee $ 65 $ 65 $ 85

Post-Convention Meeting:
This is a short meeting where we bring forward motions to pay expenses, etc. and discuss upcoming Provincial & National Conventions.

All members are welcome to attend the Post-Convention Meeting but only Parish Council Presidents are required to be there since they must vote on the financial decisions on behalf of their Councils. If a Parish Council President is unable to attend, she should send a designate.

After you submit the form you will be sent a detailed email including:

  • All the meetings and meals you reserved
  • The total amount owing
  • Payment Instructions
  • Additional information about the Convention

Please ensure that the email address below is correct AND is the one you want us to use:

  • to send you a copy of your registration submission
  • to email confirmation of registration when payment is received
  • for any future communication about your registration

Special Needs:

Registration will be confirmed upon receipt of payment.

Payment Options

Emergency Contact

Please provide the name of the person we should contact in case of emergency, and the best way to reach them at the time of the convention.


Please provide any additional information you want the organizing committee to have.

When your form is successfully submitted, you will see a thank you note. If that does not happen, your submission did not go through. Scroll back up to review the form and ensure all required fields are completed (remember to open the Attendance Options link); then click “submit” again.