Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

Confirmed Delegates, remember:

  • Wear your CWL pins and scarf if you have one.
  • All attendees are encouraged to wear red on Friday in honor of our military, and missing & murdered women.
  • Please bring:
    • A bag to hold your convention materials
    • Cash to purchase items from our vendors, for donations to our featured charities, and if you wish to purchase drinks at the evening meals.
    • Your used cell phones, iPads, and chargers for the Cell Phones for Safety Campaign. They will be distributed to organizations working to prevent domestic violence. Your donation provides a lifeline for victims fleeing abusive situations, giving them the hope, safety, and independence they need to rebuild their future.
  • When you arrive at the convention, you need to check in and pick up your convention materials. You can do this:
    • Thursday, May 1 between 7:00 to 9:00 pm, or
    • Friday, May 2 between 7:30 am and 3:00 pm, or
    • Saturday, May 3 between 7:30 am and 3:00 pm
    • NOTE: Meeting call to order at 8:30 am
  • A name badge will be provided when you sign in at the convention. Please wear it at all times, as you cannot enter the convention room without it.
  • You must sign in at the Registration desk each day you are at the Convention.
  • Food: 
    • Breakfast each day is on your own
    • Morning breaks include beverages and snacks
    • Lunches and dinners are at the hotel. Meals must be pre-purchased when you register so we can give the numbers to the caterer. They cannot be purchased at the Convention.
  • Cash Bar:
    • For the Friday and Saturday dinners, alcoholic drinks are $7.50 - $8.50; soft drinks & juice are $2. Prices include GST.
    • The bar cashier accepts cash only. There is an ATM in the lobby and outside the Aspen Ballroom.


Friday, May 2 – Pre-Convention Meeting

The theme is our CWL National theme, “Here I am Lord, Send Me” focusing on mental health.

This is a day of inspiring guest speakers with the morning session featuring two speakers from Lethbridge Family Services talking about mental health, mental illness and mental health for seniors. The afternoon session will have Conversation in the Spirit and Bishop McGrattan will be our last speaker of the day. 

Once again we have arranged dinner at the hotel where you can catch up with the many friends you have made over the years or make new friends as you enjoy a relaxing supper.  Bishop McGrattan will celebrate our Opening Mass at St. Basil’s Church 604 - 13 Street North in Lethbridge at 7:00 PM followed by a wine and cheese reception, hosted by the Knights of Columbus.

Saturday, May 3 – Convention Meeting / Post-Convention Meeting

This is the “business” day where annual reporting, and a memorial service for deceased members and Spiritual Advisors takes place. There will be no Post Convention Meeting on Sunday, May 4 as there is no election and a new council to meet. The post-convention motions will be dealt with on Saturday, this will help with travel and hotel costs.

The Closing Mass is at St. Martha’s Parish 355 Columbia Boulevard West during their regular 5:00 PM Mass on Saturday, May 3rd. The Diocesan Officers will be reaffirmed in their commitment to the League. We will have an informal dinner at the Sandman Signature Lethbridge Lodge immediately following the Mass with entertainment provided by Helen Layton. This is always a wonderful time to socialize with our council members.

Parish Council Presidents:

  • The Post-Convention Meeting on Saturday will be led by our President, Kathleen Winter. This is a short meeting where we bring forward motions to pay expenses, etc., and to discuss upcoming Provincial & National Conventions. Parish Council Presidents should be there as they must vote on the financial decisions on behalf of their council. If a Parish Council President cannot attend, she should send a designate. All members are welcome to attend.
  • Bring your Council Banner and stand for a colorful display of unity.

Convention Charities

Members and Councils are also asked to consider a monetary donation toward our featured convention charities.

Calgary Diocesan Council has a tradition of collecting donations from members and councils to support the Church and charitable organizations in our diocese and beyond. Make cheques payable to “Calgary Diocesan Council” or to the recipients: "Elsie's House" or "Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary" (state "Seminarian Fund" on the memo line). 

Friday, May 2nd Community Collection
Elsie's House
(chosen by the Convention Planning Committee)

Your generous donation helps to provide vulnerable women with the support they need during and after their pregnancies.

Elsie's House in Lethbridge provides pregnant women and new moms with a safe, nurturing environment, equipping them for life with their babies. It offers personalized care, counselling, and resources focused on healthy living, finances, parenting, and life skills.

Your gift creates pathways to a brighter future for both mothers and babies. Our collective donations embody the League's legacy of compassion, bringing joy and hope to precious lives.


Saturday, May 3rd Memorial Service Collection
Diocese of Calgary - Seminarian Fund
(chosen by the Diocesan Officers)

Your generous donation is an investment in the future of the Church. It supports vocations to the priesthood and those who have answered God’s call to serve as shepherds of His people.

The diocese invests over $30,000 annually to educate each seminarian during their 6-8 years of formation.

Your gift helps fund their educational and pastoral development, ensuring vital resources for a successful journey to the priesthood. Our collective donations convey the League's dedication to promote and nurture future generations of clergy.

Matthew Gensorek (photo left) of St. Augustine's in Taber is a first-year seminarian at St. Joseph's Seminary.