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Some ways in which local councils may deepen their commitment to social justice:

  • Encourage participation in activities that uphold the life and dignity of the human person.
  • Advocate for the complete inclusion in society and the church of the poor, vulnerable and marginalized.
  • Advocate for the development of support services in the community.
  • Promote stewardship for God’s creation.
  • Initiate/participate in letter-writing campaigns to politicians on adopted League resolutions.
  • Request to be placed on the email/mailing lists of local, provincial and federal government representatives.
  • Advocate for the dignity of work and the rights of workers.
  • Recognize and uphold the principle that with rights come responsibilities.
  • Encourage members to promote peace in parishes, communities, nationally and globally.
  • Educate members about relevant social justice issues through guest speaker presentations.
  • Study and implement the action plans of related adopted resolutions.
  • Consider initiating a resolution on a topic of interest to the council (see Resolutions Handbook).
  • Monitor legislation of social justice topics at various levels to keep abreast of ongoing changes in legislation.

Source: 614 Handbook for Chairpersons 2022

Other resources from

639 - Toolkit for Social Justice