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National CWL Resolution 1959.12 resolved "that we The Catholic Women's League of Canada in 39th annual national convention assembled at Saint John, N.B., request the federal government to plan a Christmas stamp depicting a “Nativity Scene” to be issued in Canada annually during the month of December."

This was followed by Resolution 1980.11 which resolved that "The national council of The Catholic Women's League of Canada, in 60th annual national convention assembled, do commend Canada Post for the issues of postage stamps with religious themes and do recommend that each year one or more of the Christmas stamps issued have such a theme."  

Resolution 2005.01 resolved "That the national council of The Catholic Women's League of Canada, in 85th annual national convention assembled, urge Canada Post to include a Nativity-related theme in its future Christmas stamp issues."  

All of these resolutions were archived in 2016 because the action requested has been accomplished. We have had a Christmas-themed stamp for several years and have commended Canada Post for this.

According to Canada Post, Canada Post began the tradition of featuring Nativity art on stamps in 1965, with an issue featuring the Gifts of the Magi. In the years since, the Nativity Scene has been portrayed in children’s illustrations (1970, 1975) stained glass windows (1976, 1997), gouache illustrations (1977), early Renaissance paintings (1978), icons (1988), Aboriginal art (2002), and more. The stamps have provided excellent opportunities to celebrate the birth of Jesus through Canadian art.

Booklets of the 2020 Nativity stamp, the 2019 The Magi the 2017 Adoration of the Shepherds and 2018 "Away in a Manger" are still available on the Canada Post website.