Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

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Councils in Manitoba, B.C. and the Yukon applied much time and effort to research and develop the resolutions adopted at the 2018 National Convention. Following tradition since 1974, National Council of the Catholic Women's League of Canada sent a delegation to Ottawa to explain the League’s position on the issues identified. Anne-Marie Gorman (President), Fran Lucas, (President-elect), and Cathy Bouchard (Resolutions Chair) met with parliamentarians November 26-28, 2018. They created the foundation and ignited the flame!

It’s now the role of members and councils to seize the torch and advocate for change. Councils large and small can contribute by studying the resolutions and following up on the Action Plans – detailed on national’s website:

A 30-minute express workout several times a week is a great way to achieve your fitness goals. A 30-minute express letter-writing blitz at a general meeting is a great way to achieve your social justice goals!

I’ve written two 2018 Sample Letters as a helpful resource. They are quick and easy to use! 1. Print the required copies; 2. Add your name and contact info, current date, and local MP's name (below the Prime Minister's); 3. Sign and mail the letters (no postage required).

Please revise and personalize the letters as you wish or simply use them as a guide.

Download sample letters.