Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.


Role of Treasurer

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Role of Treasurer at All Levels

  1. is a signing officer with the president for disbursement of funds; a third signing officer may also be appointed if required
  2. attends all meetings of the executive, general meetings and annual meeting or convention.
  3. keeps the financial records of the council
  4. collects and disburses all the funds as required
  5. issues cheques with the necessary signatures and ensures that cheques going to other levels are made payable to The Catholic Women’s League of Canada
  6. provides a monthly financial statement
  7. arranges for the council books to be audited at the end of the fiscal year (December 31st); at parish level, the auditor is appointed by the council
  8. prepares an annual report, with an interim report, for the annual meeting or convention
  9. ensures that registration fees from conventions go to the treasurer of the council in convention
  10. maintains a listing of regular subscriptions or donations given by the council
  11. is responsible for per capita fees*, issuing a cheque (covering the diocesan, provincial and national portion) for the recording secretary to send to national office
  12. at diocesan and provincial levels, the treasurer will receive the appropriate portions of per capita fees from national office
  13. prepares a budget if possible, for the year taking into account the membership fees, projected revenues, and expenses, i.e., per capita fees, charitable donations, development and operating costs

Source: Guidelines for Treasurers page 3-4

* Per Capita Fees (Membership Dues)

Diocesan, provincial and national councils are financed by per capita fees.

Per Capita Fees Deadline

  • per capita fees are due January 1st of each year
  • in order to keep the financial commitments of the League at all levels, per capita fees are due yearly on or before February 28th
  • for late paying and new members, New and Renewed Members List forms are available (National Manual of Policy and Procedure – Forms Appendix, or the website under Forms – Finance)

See the Guidelines for additional information on:

  • Per Capita Lists - page 4
  • Remittance of Per Capita Fees - page 5
  • National Voluntary Funds - page 5
  • Simple Bookkeeping Requirements - page 5
  • Reporting - page 6
  • Budgets - page 6
  • End of Term - page 6

See Forms and Resources for forms and other documents


Treasurer Tips & Tools
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