Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

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2017 Past President memo from Barbara Dowding, national past president and chairperson of laws:

To parish council past presidents,

It is a pleasure to write directly to you! You play an important role. The annual reports have shown that this role is often played out in many ways, from being a past president for many years, to being current and past president at the same time, and many other variations! Clearly, parish councils manage the best way they can, given each situation, as close to the structure as possible and always trying to do their best.

I want to encourage you to embrace the understanding that your experience, expertise and love for the League will go a long way towards attracting others to accept some sort of leadership role. Trust in the Lord to keep our activity in the League meaningful and look for opportunities to mentor, advise, help and even correct as situations arise. It is this trust that keeps us grounded and focused on the big picture.

The League is entering into an exciting stage in its history by undertaking a process to plan strategically for the next three to five years. Members lucky enough to be in Charlottetown don’t have to be reminded how exciting the town hall meeting was. If you missed it, I highly recommend looking it up on the website under conventions. Consider sharing the presentations at a parish council meeting – great fun!

Now, more than ever, we are called to stand together in solidarity. As the strategic planning process gets into high gear, more information will become available. The Canadian League magazine will have a full overview of the process, prompting good discussions at all levels.

I encourage you to become an ambassador of change or a cheerleader for the future, working together to bring new life and vigour to parish councils and the League. Times are changing and the signs of the times are clear. Let’s be sure the League is in tune leading the charge to build up the Kingdom of God right here and now. Help Catholic women have the opportunity to experience the sisterhood and good things the League so values.

Take your place and be a voice.
Barb Dowding
National past president and chairperson of laws