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Council Resources


In this section, the tags indicate designation or intended recipient. For example, click on  Bursary  below to see all the Bursaries / Scholarships, or  Individual  to see the list of awards which can be given to individuals. 


Successful ideas from parish councils

Learn from and share with other Councils:

  • Sisterhood is being inclusive and in fellowship. It is caring for and supporting one another in good times and bad. It is what makes councils successful!
  • Fundraisers do more than raise operational revenue! They promote leadership and engagement among members. They increase awareness of the League and encourage community spirit in the parish.

Using tags: Below the name of the activity you will see a "tag" which indicates the type of project. Use them to organize the ideas. Click on  FUNdraising  to see the list of fundraising ideas, or  Sisterhood  to see the activities which have been successfully used by councils to support their members.

Login to :

  • See more great ideas which have been successfully used by councils in the Calgary Diocese.
  • Share your thoughts: If you have used one of these ideas, please add your thoughts about it so others can benefit from your experience. When you add your comment, it will be posted below the story for other logged-in members to read. When you reply to someone else's comment, it will be sent to her as well.
  • Rate the project: Use the stars to help others find what may be useful to them. Highly recommend a project? Give it a 5 star rating!

Does your council have a success story to share? Add it here!
Have a suggestion on how to improve this page or want advice about a project not listed here? Add your thoughts here.