Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

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League Prayer

We humbly pray You, O God our Father,
to bless the Catholic Women's League of Canada.
Bless our beloved country,
our homes and families.
Send Your Holy Spirit upon us
to give light to our minds
and strength to our wills
that we may know and fulfill
Your great law of charity.
Teach us to share with others
at home and abroad,
the good things You have given us.
This we ask through Our Lord Jesus Christ
and the intercession of our patroness,
Our Lady of Good Counsel.


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Prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel

Mary, Our Lady of Good Counsel:
filled with the Holy Spirit,
you were a faithful disciple of Jesus, your Son.

Intercede with your Son for us
that we may be faithful to our baptism,
fervent in prayer,
and generous in the service we give
to our sisters and brothers.

May the spirit of the living God,
who graced you with the gift of counsel,
lead us in the way of truth and love.

With the help of your prayers,
may we come to rejoice forever
with you and the great company of saints
in the kingdom of heaven.


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 CWL Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Good and gracious God, we give thanks for the many blessings that we receive from You through Your Divine Spirit.

Open our hearts and minds as we ask for your guidance in developing practical ways that will best reflect the Catholic Women's League today and tomorrow.

Breathe into us right judgement and courage to know and understand Your will in our endeavours.

Move in us so that our work may be holy.

Be with us always so that in all things, we may act under the influence of Your holy inspiration.

We ask this in Your holy name.




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 Inspired by the Spirit

Spirit of the Living God, open our hearts and minds to experience the unconditional love of God.
Empower us with the gifts of your Spirit so that we may respond to God’s call in joyful service.
Inspire and bless members of the Catholic Women’s League
so that the fruits of your Spirit may be evidenced in all that we say and do.


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CWL Prayer for Renewal

God of new beginnings, ever faithful God,
we thank You for your constant care for
the women of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada.
We have sought to serve You in faith by service to your people.

Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and with the help of Our Lady of Good Counsel,
we continue to discern Your call to seek justice
and build Your Kingdom on earth each day.

We ask your guidance as we plan the evolution of the
Catholic Women’s League of Canada.
Grant us wisdom, the grace of discernment, and strength.
May each of us open her heart and mind to Your will and welcome the new life You bring to the League.

We ask this through Jesus, Your beloved Son and Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.



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Prayer to fill vacant Executive Positions in a CWL Council

Dear Blessed Mother, in this, our hour of need, we come before you with trepidation in our hearts. You know that many of our thoughts on earth are filled with fear and uncertainty.  Strengthen our faith through the assistance of your Most Beloved Spouse – the Holy Spirit. We ask that you present our prayers this day before our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for we know that your Immaculate Heart burns as one with His Most Sacred Heart.

Shower humanity with a Grace of Peace born straight from Heaven itself. Command the legions of Angels to come to the aid and assistance of all families throughout the world. We pray in a special way for the Catholic Women's League and all of our sisters, those known and unknown to us. Envelop them all within the folds of your Protective Mantle and obtain comfort, guidance and enlightenment for their souls by means of a Special Grace.

Lady of Good Counsel, you who are our Seat of Wisdom, please touch the hearts of women in our council to come forward, filled with Joy and Devotion, and take on Executive positions that are currently vacant.  Wash away all fears and uncertainties from our minds and commission the Archangel Gabriel to be our Guide and Protector.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace, we know that in the end your Immaculate Heart will triumph as we pass through the hour of shadows which precedes the Era of Peace.  Help us remain solely focused on the burning love of your Eternal Son for us.

O Jesus, King of love, we put our trust in your merciful goodness.

Hail Mary x 3 times

Our Lady of Good Counsel – pray for us…



Prayer to Fill Exec Positions in CWL Councils

October 13, 2022

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Prayer for CWL Council Leaders

Heavenly Father, you have sent your Son to give us life in abundance, to save us and offer us forgiveness.
Your Spirit guides us in the way we should go to do your will.

Our CWL council has been inspired by the mission of your Son to further your kingdom by word, deed and fellowship among the women of this parish.

We have been blessed with energetic, talented leaders.
Inspire members from among us to answer the call to continue to lead us as insert position(s) needed.
Give these individuals discernment, courage and commitment to come forward, knowing that her sisters are there to support and encourage them.

Bless them with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of Our Lady of Good Counsel.

We ask this in Jesus' name.

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Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena for Leadership

A Blessed Summer to All!

As we are relaxing over this time, visiting and enjoying family and friends, working our gardens and orchards, we thank the Lord, our God, for all that we have. We pray for safe passage for all that are travelling during this time. And as CWL members we pray for a successful National Annual Meeting of Members, in Saint John, New Brunswick, August 13-16, 2023. One of the main concerns of the League is leadership at all levels – parish, diocesan, provincial, national. With that in mind, I have modified the Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena,, concentrating on the discernment that we may be doing regarding our service to the League. I have put in suggested intentions, but I do encourage all to personalize your intention.

Let us start this novena 9 days before the start of the National AMM, ie August 4 and repeat it often until the CWL leadership roles that are vacant within our dioceses and provinces are filled.

"Lord, grant that I may Live this day with Love and Laughter
Janet MacPhee, ABMK VP / Spiritual

Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena - Day 1
+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mary, our Mother, you have always been concerned with the affairs of the world and of each person throughout history. In your “yes” to the angel Gabriel to accept your role as the Mother of God, you accepted a unique role as a mediator between Heaven and Earth. Our Lady of Good Counsel, today, I ask for your intercession for a world in need of your guidance and for counsel in my own life.
(State your intentions here)
Suggestion: As a CWL member help me to realize my future role in the League
For guidance for our leaders, especially our National Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada, pray for us.
For counsel for those who are persecuted and suffer grave injustice, pray for us.
For an increase in love, trust, and devotion to your Immaculate Heart that leads us to Jesus, pray for us.
Blessed Mary, Star of the Sea, guide us now as you have guided pilgrims in years past. Be our constant beacon, a blazing light in this dark night, and lead us home to dwell with your Son forever and ever.
+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena - Day 2
+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mary, our Mother, you have always been concerned with the affairs of the world and of each person throughout history. You have provided counsel and comfort to those who needed you, even during your earthly life when you visited your cousin Elizabeth while she carried John the Baptist in her womb. Our Lady of Good Counsel, today, I ask for your intercession for a world in need of your guidance and for counsel in my own life.
(State your intentions here)
Suggestion: As a CWL member, help me to serve the League, where it can best be served.
For guidance for our leaders, especially our Provincial CWL Council, pray for us For counsel for those who are exiled from their home countries, pray for us.
For an increase in love, trust, and devotion to your Immaculate Heart that leads us to Jesus, pray for us.
Blessed Mary, Star of the Sea, guide us now as you have guided pilgrims in years past. Be our constant beacon, a blazing light in this dark night, and lead us home to dwell with your Son forever and ever.
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena - Day 3
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mary, our Mother, you have always been concerned with the affairs of the world and of each person throughout history. Your counsel to us extends back to your earthly life when you spoke of your Son, commanding us: “Do whatever He tells you”. Our Lady of Good Counsel, today, I ask for your intercession for a world in need of your guidance and for counsel in my own life.
(State your intentions here)
Suggestion: As a CWL member, help me to follow the command “Do whatever He tells you”.
For guidance for our leaders, especially our Diocesan CWL councils, pray for us.
For counsel for those who are homeless, pray for us.
For an increase in love, trust, and devotion to your Immaculate Heart that leads us to Jesus, pray for us.
Blessed Mary, Star of the Sea, guide us now as you have guided pilgrims in years past. Be our constant beacon, a blazing light in this dark night, and lead us home to dwell with your Son forever and ever.
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena - Day 4
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mary, our Mother, you have always been concerned with the affairs of the world and of each person throughout history. At the Cross, Jesus gave you to the disciple St. John, saying “Behold, your mother” to him and to all of us who follow after him. Our Lady of Good Counsel, today, I ask for your intercession for a world in need of your guidance and for counsel in my own life.
(State your intentions here)
Suggestion: As a CWL member, guide my service to my own CWL council and to my parish.
For guidance for our leaders, especially our Parish CWL councils, pray for us.
For guidance for our home parish, pray for us.
For counsel for those who do not pray, pray for us.
For an increase in love, trust, and devotion to your Immaculate Heart that leads us to Jesus, pray for us.
Blessed Mary, Star of the Sea, guide us now as you have guided pilgrims in years past. Be our constant beacon, a blazing light in this dark night, and lead us home to dwell with your Son forever and ever.
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena - Day 5
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mary, our Mother, you have always been concerned with the affairs of the world and of each person throughout history. In the 16th century in Mexico, you counseled Juan Diego, saying, “Do not be troubled or weighed down with grief. Do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain. Am I not here, who am your Mother? Is there anything else you need?” Our Lady of Good Counsel, today, I ask for your intercession for a world in need of your guidance and for counsel in my own life.
(State your intentions here)
Suggestion: As a CWL member, guide me in my prayers of discernment, let me not be troubled or weighed down in the process. Give me a clear mind without anxiety as I pray for counsel.
For guidance for our friends, especially our CWL sisters discerning their service to the League, pray for us.
For counsel for those who are lonely, pray for us.
For an increase in love, trust, and devotion to your Immaculate Heart that leads us to Jesus, pray for us.
Blessed Mary, Star of the Sea, guide us now as you have guided pilgrims in years past. Be our constant beacon, a blazing light in this dark night, and lead us home to dwell with your Son forever and ever.
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena - Day 6
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mary, our Mother, you have always been concerned with the affairs of the world and of each person throughout history. In 1830, you counseled Catherine Laboure in Paris, instructing her on the design for the Miraculous Medal and saying, “All who wear this medal will receive great graces.” Our Lady of Good Counsel, today, I ask for your intercession for a world in need of your guidance and for counsel in my own life.
(State your intentions here)
Suggestion: As a CWL member, help me to recognize my graces that have been bestowed to me.
For guidance for our extended families, pray for us.
For counsel for extended families who are estranged, pray for us.
For an increase in love, trust, and devotion to your Immaculate Heart that leads us to Jesus, pray for us.
Blessed Mary, Star of the Sea, guide us now as you have guided pilgrims in years past. Be our constant beacon, a blazing light in this dark night, and lead us home to dwell with your Son forever and ever.
+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena - Day 7
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mary, our Mother, you have always been concerned with the affairs of the world and of each person throughout history. In 1858, you counseled Bernadette Soubirous in France, telling her where to dig in the ground to bring forth a spring where a great multitude of people would be healed of illnesses and infirmities for decades to come. Our Lady of Good Counsel, today, I ask for your intercession for a world in need of your guidance and for counsel in my own life.
(State your intentions here)
Suggestion: As a CWL member, guide my discernment on service to the League.
For guidance for our families that they realize the importance of the League to me, pray for us.
For counsel for families who are torn, pray for us.
For an increase in love, trust, and devotion to your Immaculate Heart that leads us to Jesus, pray for us.
Blessed Mary, Star of the Sea, guide us now as you have guided pilgrims in years past. Be our constant beacon, a blazing light in this dark night, and lead us home to dwell with your Son forever and ever.
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena - Day 8
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mary, our Mother, you have always been concerned with the affairs of the world and of each person throughout history. In 1917 in Fatima, Portugal, you counseled three shepherd children, saying, “My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God.” Our Lady of Good Counsel, today, I ask for your intercession for a world in need of your guidance and for counsel in my own life.
(State your intentions here)
Suggestion: As a CWL member, let your Immaculate Heart guide me in my service to the League.
For guidance for ourselves as we all discern, pray for us.
For counsel for how to love those who I find difficult to love, pray for us.
For an increase in love, trust, and devotion to your Immaculate Heart that leads us to Jesus, pray for us.
Blessed Mary, Star of the Sea, guide us now as you have guided pilgrims in years past. Be our constant beacon, a blazing light in this dark night, and lead us home to dwell with your Son forever and ever.
+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena - Day 9
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mary, our Mother, you have always been concerned with the affairs of the world and of each person throughout history. In 1933, you counseled Mariette Beco in Belgium, saying, “Believe in me and I will believe in you.” Our Lady of Good Counsel, today, I ask for your intercession for a world in need of your guidance and for counsel in my own life.
(State your intentions here)
Suggestion: As a CWL member, guide me to believe in myself as to my future service to the League.
For guidance for all those who pray this novena, pray for us.
For counsel to seek your Son every day of our lives, pray for us.
For an increase in love, trust, and devotion to your Immaculate Heart that leads us to Jesus, pray for us.
Blessed Mary, Star of the Sea, guide us now as you have guided pilgrims in years past. Be our constant beacon, a blazing light in this dark night, and lead us home to dwell with your Son forever and ever.
+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.