Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

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Speakers at the 99th annual national convention are generously sharing their presentations with us. Check the National website for the Breakout session presentations, Oral Reports and other convention news. Marilou Legeyt, who presented A Carbon Conversation, has shared some additional information and resources which are added below under the convention photos.

Two sessions were live-streamed at the time of presentation for the benefit of those who were not able to attend:

  • the Keynote Address by Sr. Dorothy Ederer O.P., What is Our Common Home? We Care for Our Homeland, Our Homes, Our Hearts
  • and Fran Lucas' The League of the Future: Year 1 (strategic planning progress report).

Learn more about Sr. Ederer's work at Her books are available through her Amazon Author Page.