Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

2024 ABMK

Calgary North CWL Councils are pleased to host the
2024 Alberta MacKenzie Provincial Convention
Ascension Parish, 1100 Berkshire Boulevard NW, Calgary, AB   T3K 3M3​​
Friday, May 31 and Saturday, June 1, 2024.


All members and Spiritual Advisors are encouraged to attend.

PLEASE NOTE: Blue text in the articles below indicate links: tap on them for more information

ABMK Provincial Convention Highlights

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Here I Am, Lord; send me.

Elections – New Provincial Council

  • President – Betsy Fletcher
  • Vice President – Jan Myhre
  • Secretary – Janet MacPhee
  • Treasurer – Celine Berlinguette
  • Past President – Mary Hunt
  • Faith Chair – Mary Malloy
  • Service Chair – Lola Alsmo
  • Social Justice Chair – Renee Spohn

Friday Speakers

  • Shari GuintaNational Theme – Here I am Lord, Send Me
    Shari talked about having a Mary heart in a Martha world.  Mary is sunlight, Martha is thunder. 
    Martha opened her home to Jesus; did she open her heart? In her eagerness to serve Jesus, she almost missed knowing Jesus. What burdens do I carry that are not Gods?
    "They say that variety is the spice of life. Perhaps that is why God so often puts people of such different personalities in the same family."
    ~ Joanna Weaver in "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World"

  • Dr. Monique WithersPalliative Care and Our Collective Call
    Palliative care is more than end of life care, you can receive palliative care all your life – paraplegic, chronic illness including mental illness.

  • Archbishop Richard Smith – Encountering Christ on our Faith Journey and Our Response 
    Send me where?  A culture of encounter should be founded upon an encounter with Jesus. Each encounter gives us a new direction.
    Three simple actions for CWL members:
    • STOP any thing that hinders the mission of the church,
    • LOOK at our sisters, who is not at the table? and
    • LISTEN to the word of God and traditions of the church with an open heart and kindness.


  • Magnificent Meetings – Judy Look, Gloria Lundberg, Denise Blackstock
    Have encounters at meetings – get to know each other. 
    Have the three pillars of faith, service and social justice include all members in a project.

  • Circle of Life: Mentorship - Renee Spohn & Mary Molloy 
    Suggestions for promotion and activities. Help members embrace the multi-generational composition of the League and work with it and love it.
    League Mentorship what does that mean?

  • The Holy Spirit is Listening:  Faith the Gift of Hope – Mary Hunt, Betsy Fletcher, Suzanne Sherry
    How the Holy Spirit is described, images of the Holy Spirit and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

  • Human Trafficking Exists in our Alberta Mackenzie Communities - Janet MacPhee & Jan Myhre.
    You may know the problem exists but want to know what to do about it. The Founder of IWIN assisted with the workshop and Red Sand Project Kits were available; one for each council.

Saturday Speakers

  • Living the Life of Intentional Discipleship and How It Relates to our National Theme, CCCB Updates – Bishop McGrattan. 
    Bishop McGrattan spoke about the three phases of reflection of the synod. 
    Reflect on the church of communion, the church of participants and the church of mission.

  • Sharing the Pro-Life Message – Centre for Bioethical Reform – Cam Cote
    Training is provided to equip everyone with the tools you need to have productive conversations on the issue of abortion.

Mass Collection

The Mass Collection in the amount of $1,854.50 was given to the North of 60 Project.

Walter Krewski Awards

The Diocese of Calgary did extremely well with membership in 2023

  • Greatest number of new members – St. Peter’s Council, Calgary
  • Greatest increase in membership in the previous year – St. Peter’s Council, Calgary
  • Greatest percentage increase in membership in the previous year – St. Mary’s Cathedral, Calgary

Elsie Yanik Award

The Elsie Yanik Award was presented to Bonnie Sturm of St. Ambrose, Coaldale

Life Membership Presentation

Gwen Elliott of Camrose was presented with a Life Membership.

Beware of the woman who speaks of God but does not speak with God.
~ Fr JP Luxxbucbacher


Convention Sponsors

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     Funeral Services  
                   Calgary Chapter
Ascension Council 10065

2024 ABMK Provincial Convention Tips

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Wingate Calgary Airport - Convention Rate Hotel

57 Freeport Crescent NE, Calgary, AB
Phone: 587 393 0700 Option 1 or 4
Toll Free: 1 (833) 410-7144 (ask to be connected with the front desk of the hotel to get the convention rate)

Block Code 053024 ALB

Wingate by Wyndham Calgary Airport | Calgary, AB Hotels (


At the convention

This is a SCENT-FREE convention.

What to bring:

  • a tote bag for materials you collect
  • your own mug or water bottle
  • your Council's CWL banner and stand
  • cash for purchases from our vendors and for donations to our collection recipients

Please wear:

  • your CWL pins, scarf, etc.
  • red on Friday to honor our military and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Sisters.
  • your convention name tag at all times that you are on the Convention Floor or in a break-out session

Check In

When you arrive at the Convention, you must check in to pick up your registration package. This will contain your name tag (which must be worn at all times on the convention floor and in break out rooms), meal tickets, and other important information.

You must also sign-in each day that you are at the convention so that accurate attendance records are kept and reports can be given.

The check-in desk will be open in the Narthex:

  • Thursday, May 30 from 4:00 - 6:00 pm
  • Friday, May 31 from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm
  • Saturday, June 1 from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm


  • Breakfast each day is on your own
  • Morning and afternoon breaks include beverages, muffins and cookies. There will be gluten-free options.
  • Friday lunch, Friday supper, and Saturday lunch are at the church
  • Saturday banquet is at the Polish Canadian Cultural Centre 3015 15 St NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7L8

NOTE: it is important to advise the organizers of any allergies when you register.


At Ascension

There is a daily Mass on Friday and Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. 

There are confessions before the Masses from 8:15 to 9:00 a.m. and on Saturday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. (before the Saturday 5 p.m. Mass). 

There is Adoration after the day Masses until 8 pm at night in a separate area of the church. You can use this space during the convention if you want to go and pray silently.  


Opening Mass - Singing Voices Needed

All are invited to attend the Friday opening Mass, May 31st, 7:00 pm at Ascension Parish, 1100 Berkshire Boulevard NW, Calgary.

Men and women are invited to join the choir! Michele G. will be the pianist and leader. Hymnals will be available. Please be in the sanctuary by 6:30 to warm up your voices.

You do not need to be registered for this convention to attend the Mass or to be in the choir.