Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

Dorothy Boras

Dorothy was born in Calgary and moved around to several cities before settling in Lethbridge where she graduated from Catholic Central High School. She attended the University of Lethbridge, graduating with a BA majoring in French. After working for a year in Ottawa, she returned to university at St. F.X.U. and earned her Education Degree.

 Dorothy moved to Calgary to begin her teaching career. She taught in Calgary, Lethbridge, Vulcan and Dawson Creek, BC before moving to Pincher Creek to teach in the public system for 25 years. In 2002 she taught in Australia for a year as part of a teachers exchange. Upon retiring in 2012, she moved to Lethbridge to live with her mother. Her interests include travelling, scrapbooking, reading, quilting, and playing guitar.

Dorothy has been involved in Girl Guides for many years. She went thru the program as a child and continued as a leader for the past 40 years. She has held various positions in the District and Area. In 2018 she organized a trip to Switzerland for a group of 10 Girl Guides.

Her CWL involvement began with helping her mother with CWL activities in Lethbridge. She joined in Dawson Creek and helped with the church’s music ministry. When she moved to Pincher Creek, she joined the CWL to meet ladies in the parish and held various positions. Moving to Lethbridge she became President-Elect, President, and Past President.

Dorothy was Resolutions Chair for the past three years and helped a council draft a resolution which was adopted at the 2022 Diocesan Convention and sent to the Provincial Council. She is now the Legislation Chair and is looking forward to learning about this position. She is blessed to have met so many sisters in the League.

Contact her at Communications