Theresa was born in Sarnia, Ontario and grew up in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. After completing a Bachelor of Commerce degree at UBC in Vancouver, she returned to Alberta and has lived in Calgary for the past 19 years.
Despite being a cradle Catholic, she only joined St. Paul’s Airdrie CWL in 2014. Shortly thereafter she joined the Executive as the Chairperson of Resolutions & Legislation. After the council was discerning about leadership, she took the role of President for two terms; from 2017-2021. In 2022 she joined the Diocesan Executive in the role of Spiritual Development Chair.
She has always enjoyed scriptural study and attending and organizing spiritual retreats. To further advance her knowledge and progress her faith journey, she enrolled at Newman’s Theological College. She is very proud to have achieved a Certificate of Theology in Sacred Scripture in December of 2021. With this education and knowledge, she has led a Bible Study at St. Paul’s Parish for many years. And one of her most beloved activities of being the Spiritual Development Chair was organizing the Advent and Lenten retreats.
She is very much looking forward to her new role as Diocesan Vice President and being of assistance to parish council in their organizational and leadership opportunities.
Contact her at Vice-President
Dorothy Boras
Dorothy was born in Calgary and moved around to several cities before settling in Lethbridge where she graduated from Catholic Central High School. She attended the University of Lethbridge, graduating with a BA majoring in French. After working for a year in Ottawa, she returned to university at St. F.X.U. and earned her Education Degree.
Dorothy moved to Calgary to begin her teaching career. She taught in Calgary, Lethbridge, Vulcan and Dawson Creek, BC before moving to Pincher Creek to teach in the public system for 25 years. In 2002 she taught in Australia for a year as part of a teachers exchange. Upon retiring in 2012, she moved to
Lethbridge to live with her mother. Her interests include travelling, scrapbooking, reading, quilting, and playing guitar.
Dorothy has been involved in Girl Guides for many years. She went thru the program as a child and continued as a leader for the past 50 years. She has held various positions in the District and Area. In 2018 she organized a trip to Switzerland for a group of 10 Girl Guides.
Her CWL involvement began with helping her mother with CWL activities in Lethbridge. She joined in Dawson Creek and helped with the church’s music ministry. When she moved to Pincher Creek, she joined the CWL to meet ladies in the parish and held various positions. Moving to Lethbridge she became President-Elect, President, and Past President.
Dorothy was Diocesan Resolutions Chair for three years and helped a council draft resolution 2022.01 which was adopted at the National level. She was the Diocesan Legislation Chair for 2 years and is now the Diocesan Communications Chair. She is looking forward to learning about this position. Dorothy is blessed to have met so many sisters in the League.
Contact her at Communications
Kim Walker
Kim has been a CWL member for 17 years following in the footsteps of her grandmother and Mother. She has served on the CWL executive at the Parish level both in Edmonton and in Calgary holding several chair positions. She took 2 years ‘off’ following her Past President term to rejuvenate in order to better serve the League and sisterhood in a new capacity.
Kim has been a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) working with the adult population (18+) for the last 23 years in Regina, Edmonton, and Calgary. This is extremely diverse work involving a variety of swallowing and communication disorders. Often these disorders are life altering. Working as a medical SLP has given Kim a passion to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves.
Kim’s passion is in helping the vulnerable (ex: human trafficking), advocating for communication access, bringing awareness to food and housing insecurities, life changing medical drug access, promotion of physical health, protecting God’s creation – our environment, and more.
You will often find Kim out in nature cycling to work or in the numerous Calgary pathways gawking at Prairie chickens, Bald Eagles, and Deer. If she is not exercising, then you will find her with dirty hands in the garden. Kim also loves to cook and bake to the delight of her coworkers and husband. On colder, rainy indoor days she is often working on a puzzle, making a quilt, or working on some other craft project.
Kim is married to her high school sweetheart, Jeff, and will be celebrating her 25th wedding anniversary in June. We also cannot forget Kim’s Herbert, a 112lbs Bernese Mountain ‘lap’ Dog.
Contact her at Social Justice Standing Chair
Diane Miedema
Diane and her eight siblings were raised in a devout Catholic family; two of her sisters are nuns. Her early years were spent in a farming district in Saskatchewan, and she lived in Revenue and Saskatoon before moving to Lethbridge as a pre-teen.
After graduating from Lethbridge College, she worked for the Alberta Motor Association and the City of Lethbridge. During her 36 years with the City, she coordinated advertising, processed school-age childcare registrations and subsidies, and managed automobile, property, and third-party liability claims.
Diane tutors adult English language learners and volunteers for organizations, such as the local Remembrance Day Committee, Kinettes, soup kitchen, and food bank. In her leisure time, she enjoys baking, knitting, and reading.
As a member of St. Ambrose Parish in Coaldale, she taught Sunday School and served as Parish Council Chair. She currently serves as Eucharistic Minister, lector, collection counter, and on the Finance Committee.
When Diane was 27 years old, a dear friend invited her to join St. Ambrose CWL. Since then, she has served as treasurer, president, past president, membership administrator, and several standing committee roles. She currently serves as the Faith Chair and Co-chair of the 75th Anniversary Planning Committee. When things get busy, her friend playfully quips, “Aren’t you glad I invited you to join the League!”
Diane values her experiences as Registration Chair for the 2016 Diocesan Convention in Lethbridge and on the Liturgy Committee for the 2019 National Convention in Calgary. Her enthusiasm for the League’s future led her to collaborate with four other members across Canada to develop the Strategic Planning resource, “The Joy of Leadership Through Engagement in Ministry” (resource #630 on the national website).
Since joining Calgary Diocesan Council in 2017, Diane has been chairperson of Resolutions, Communications, and the 100th Anniversary Planning Committee. As Treasurer since March 2023, she continues to serve her sisters in the diocese while aiming to enhance her leadership and financial literacy skills.
Diane and her husband, Otto, have two children: Justin and Ashley. They are also proud grandparents to three teenage grandsons: Kaison, Carter, and Jaden. She cherishes the supportive sisterhood, fellowship, and lifelong friendships the League provides. Her mother was a member in Lethbridge, and Sister Jean is a member in Stony Plain. Diane feels grateful for the opportunities to deepen her faith and personal growth alongside her sisters in the League.
Contact her
- by email at
- 403-345-3974 Home
- 403-892-2244 Cell (texts)
Father Pilmaikén Lezano
Father Pilmaikén Lezano was born in Puno, Peru, the youngest of the children of Nidia and Percy.
After completing his bachelor degree in 2012, he felt blessed to have been asked by Bishop Frederick Henry to join the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary as a seminarian. Upon his arrival in Calgary, he was sent to St. Joseph Seminary in Edmonton for formation and enculturation.
On June 20, 2015, he was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Frederick Henry at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Calgary. Since then, he has served as Associate Pastor at Ascension Parish, St. Michael’s, and Holy Spirit, and Administrator of St. Anthony’s Parish. Currently Pastor of Our The Shrine Church of Lady of the Rockies Parish in Canmore.
Bishop William McGrattan appointed Father Pilmaikén as Calgary Diocesan Spiritual Advisor effective January 1, 2021. Father Pilmaikén states when asked by Bishop McGrattan to be the Diocesan Spiritual Advisor, he accepted the appointment knowing he would be working alongside devout and fervent women, building up God’s church.
Contact him at Spiritual Advisor
Dr. Rose Geonzon
Dr. Rose was born in the Philippines and immigrated to Canada in 1975, spending more than half of her life in Calgary. She is married with one child and two granddaughters, ages 16 and 13, and both are studying in the Catholic school system.
She was first exposed to CWL while in the Philippines. She was a family doctor who volunteered at the CWL Charity Clinic every weekend for three years. She realized her passion for the League when she was invited to join in 1984. She was busy with her profession as a family physician and didn’t become active until eight years ago when she joined the executive at Holy Trinity, Calgary as Education & Health Chair. She then served as President Elect and Organization Chair before her term as President from 2016-2018.
Despite being very busy in her medical practice, Dr. Rose is involved in various ministries at Holy Trinity. She served as Parish Council President, as well as music director of the 11:00 a.m. mass. She coordinates the “Christmas Concert around the World” at Christmas; and coordinates and directs the “Passion Play of Jesus Christ” on Good Friday. After attending the Eucharistic Convention in Montreal in 2002, she introduced the “Children of Hope” to Holy Trinity Parish. She is involved in fundraising for church renovations; and is happy to serve, in Jesus’ name, to share her hobbies and passion for music by singing in the choir and teaching music to children.
Dr. Rose is also active in the Lions Club, serving and helping people to improve their lives. Her involvement in the Filipino Canadian community helps people to preserve their heritage by sharing and teaching young generations its rich heritage and culture.
Although she is slowing her medical practice, Dr. Rose is still greatly involved as clinical preceptor at the University of Calgary for the “International Medical Graduates,” helping them qualify to practice medicine in Canada.
Contact her at Christian Family Life
Dorothy Boras
Dorothy was born in Calgary and moved around to several cities before settling in Lethbridge where she graduated from Catholic Central High School. She attended the University of Lethbridge, graduating with a BA majoring in French. After working for a year in Ottawa, she returned to university at St. F.X.U. and earned her Education Degree.
Dorothy moved to Calgary to begin her teaching career. She taught in Calgary, Lethbridge, Vulcan and Dawson Creek, BC before moving to Pincher Creek to teach in the public system for 25 years. In 2002 she taught in Australia for a year as part of a teachers exchange. Upon retiring in 2012, she moved to Lethbridge to live with her mother. Her interests include travelling, scrapbooking, reading, quilting, and playing guitar.
Dorothy has been involved in Girl Guides for many years. She went thru the program as a child and continued as a leader for the past 40 years. She has held various positions in the District and Area. In 2018 she organized a trip to Switzerland for a group of 10 Girl Guides.
Her CWL involvement began with helping her mother with CWL activities in Lethbridge. She joined in Dawson Creek and helped with the church’s music ministry. When she moved to Pincher Creek, she joined the CWL to meet ladies in the parish and held various positions. Moving to Lethbridge she became President-Elect, President, and Past President.
Dorothy was Resolutions Chair for the past three years and helped a council draft a resolution which was adopted at the 2022 Diocesan Convention and sent to the Provincial Council. She is now the Legislation Chair and is looking forward to learning about this position. She is blessed to have met so many sisters in the League.
Contact her at Communications
Consuelo E. Munar
Consuelo was born in the Philippines, and earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language and Literature from the University of the Philippines. In 1972 she married her husband, Oscar. In 1975, they and their two-year old daughter migrated to Canada where their two sons were born.
In Calgary, Consuelo's work in accounting broadened her knowledge, and she pursued a Business Management Diploma Program at the University of Calgary, and took courses in Petroleum Accounting at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
For five years, Consuelo opted to be a stay home mom making the well-being of her three growing children her priority. She volunteered at their schools and helped her children in their academic endeavours as well as in their various out of school activities. She proudly saw her daughter become a leader of the Youth Ministry at Holy Trinity Parish which allowed her to attend the first World Youth Day in North America in Denver, Colorado. Her two sons travelled to several countries including Finland and Russia as Calgary’s Ambassadors of Good Will and as members of the Calgary Boys Choir. They were also altar servers, and accompanist and cantors of the Holy Trinity Parish choir.
In 1999, Consuelo and Oscar moved to the United States. She worked and took courses improving her knowledge of policy and assisting her as a Compliance Coordinator and Compliance Analyst. While in San Diego, CA, she was a parishioner and lector at the Good Shepherd Parish, a huge multicultural Catholic community. A devotee of the Sacred Heart of Jesus since 1967, she joined the Sacred Heart Apostolate group that prayed together every first Friday of the month. She also continued her weekly Wednesday devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help.
By 2010, they returned to Calgary. Having taken early retirement and dreading boredom, Consuelo volunteered for several organizations including Feed the Hungry, TD Read with Me, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Peter School, and UP Alumni Association of Alberta. Committed to Holy Trinity Parish, she served as Eucharistic Minister, lector, and chair of the Stewardship Committee.
She joined the Holy Trinity Parish CWL in 2011. Although a CWL newbie, she enthusiastically attended the 2012 CWL National Convention in Edmonton. There she realized the opportunity to “make a difference” and returned to her parish council to serve as Legislation and Resolutions Chair. In 2019, as President she developed the council’s first policy and procedure handbook and a spiritual retreat to increase Marian devotion. She encouraged her CWL sisters to deepen and strengthen their faith by actively participating in the parish spiritual activities and devotions.
Consuelo strongly believes in leading by example, and that daily integrating our lives with Jesus and His Blessed Mother is the key to faith fulfillment and genuine service to others.
Service Standing Chair
Anthea Berdan

Anthea was born in the Philippines to a Catholic family and studied in a Catholic school.
Her dream of living in the United States of America brought her to work in Saipan, CNMI, USA where she actively participated in church ministry activities as a Lector, and writer/contributor of The North Star, a local newspaper of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa. She was also a member of the Couples for Christ – Singles for Christ (Saipan), and the Head of Information and Publications Ministry of the Light and Salt Catholic Charismatic Community under the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa.
After a decade of working abroad, she migrated to Canada in 2004 to join her family in Calgary with a belief that this was the place where God planted her to bloom. With this mindset, it did not take long for her to look for a community to grow her faith and serve God. She easily adapted to the Canadian culture and found her community again in Couples for Christ – Singles for Christ Calgary. She served as a lector and choir member of CFC-SFC in St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Calgary.
In 2007, Anthea married Cesar who she believes is “God’s Gift”. While waiting for him to arrive in Canada, she actively participated in CFC Handmaids of the Lord.
In 2009, she joined the Lector Ministry at St. Mary’s Cathedral. She “followed the voice” of the Holy Spirit and walked the path leading her to join CWL in April 2017. At her first meeting of St. Mary’s Cathedral CWL she was asked to do the minutes, and later became the Secretary. At the time, little did she know that she would play a vital role in the council, building relationships. She responded to God’s call for greater responsibility by serving as President from September 2017 to December 2019. And as the Past-President she was called to serve in her new position as the Calgary Diocesan CWL Secretary.
Contact her at Service Standing Chair
Renee Spohn

Renee served on the Calgary Diocesan Council as Treasurer from 2013 to 2017; President-Elect in 2019 to 2022, President 2022 to 2024 and became Past President on May 4, 2024.
She was born in Lethbridge and has lived there most of her life. Her love for the Catholic Women’s League began in 2002 when she became a member of St. Martha’s Parish Council in Lethbridge. Renee served on her council's executive as Secretary, Treasurer, President, and Past President.
With her council’s support, she led two important initiatives for several years. First, in collaboration with the Knights of Columbus, they successfully participated in Western Tailgate Fundraisers. The proceeds assisted youth and those most in need in the community. Second, she developed and facilitated the Annual Women’s Advent Retreat in Lethbridge. Every year she has experienced true joy being with women who are open to the Holy Spirit touching their hearts and lives.
She was humbled when her council nominated her for the prestigious Elsie Yanik Award for leadership and service; which was presented at the 2018 Alberta Mackenzie Provincial Convention. Renee’s focus has been on aligning CWL goals with members’ talents and abilities, while considering their generational transition. She wants her CWL sisters to know that they are called to do the Lord’s work and that “You are the Right Person in the Right Place at the Right Time.”
It was great timing that her work brought her to Calgary to have an active role as Treasurer on the 2019 National Convention Planning Committee. Making new friendships and time spent together has been a true blessing in her life.
Renee is grateful for her husband Randall who has encouraged and supported her while she pursued her education, career, and love for the CWL. They married in 1985 and have three children: Dante (1993), Elizabeth (1996), and Pascal (2005). Renee has a B.A. in Art and became a Certified Management Accountant in 2001. She is retired from her career at the Canada Revenue Agency.
Renee loves learning and experiencing new adventures. She was on an Employment Equity Committee promoting an understanding of women’s issues and her Metis heritage. She has learned that women play a significant role in our communities and country. Their voices and actions are
powerful tools for change and in mentoring youth. She continues to recruit and mentor women as they grow together as sisters in the Catholic Women’s League. Recently, she accepted an appointment to the national Indigenous Relations sub-committee chaired by National Chairperson of
Social Justice, Glenda Carson.
Contact her at Past-President
Faith Standing Chair
Margaret Inkster
Margaret was born in Manitoba, graduated from Sacred Heart Academy in Yorkton, Saskatchewan and went on to Teachers' College in Winnipeg where she met her husband, Ray. When they came west to Calgary and Banff on their honeymoon Margaret knew then that Calgary would one day be their home. She wanted to be close to the beautiful Rocky Mountains. After their second son was born, they moved to Calgary. Since then, they have been blessed with five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
When the Calgary Catholic School Board was short of teachers, Margaret applied and spent thirty-three years with Calgary Catholic. Fortunately for her, she was granted a Sabbatical Leave during which time she worked at completing her degree in Education. Margaret went on to pursue a Religious Education Degree from Newman College when it was being offered in Calgary. With this degree she qualified to become a consultant in the Religious Education Department for four years.
After her retirement she worked at Corpus Christi Church as their Religious Education Coordinator for the Children's programs for five years.
Not really knowing much about the Catholic Women's League she joined St. Mark's Council during one of their membership drives with the idea of supporting them and just being a member. Several years later in 2013 Margaret received a personal phone call from the newly elected president wanting to know if she would be willing to be the Health & Education Chair. After considering this invitation, Margaret thought, yes, maybe she could do that. Then someone told her that she should be Vice President, even though she had no idea what that title meant! This was just the beginning of her executive career. She moved up to President Elect, President and is presently the Past President of her council.
Contact her at Faith Standing Chair
Gail Poshtar
Gail was born in Fort St. John, BC and moved to Edmonton to attend University. She met her husband, Ron, in a computing science class! After completing her Bachelor of Education, she taught in several Edmonton Catholic Schools. When Christopher and then Stephen were born, she taught night school, summer school and then adult education day classes for Edmonton Public Schools. Ron’s work required a move to Calgary in 1992. Gail joined Holy Spirit CWL to meet the women of the parish. Gail found a home with Calgary Catholic Schools in 1993. She taught Mathematics at Bishop Grandin, Father Lacombe and Bishop McNally. Her love for the league grew after helping with 2001 National Convention in Calgary. She has attended many conventions since. Gail was a member of Holy Spirit’s executive from 2004 to 2023. She has filled many positions - secretary, membership, spiritual, communications, President and Past President twice. Gail retired from teaching in 2016 and this allowed her more time with her family, sons Christoper and Stephen and parents (in St. Albert). Her passion for crafting finds her working on cards and cosmetic bags for IWIN, Mission Council Cards, comfort dolls for Agape Hospice and quilting. She is an avid reader.
She is grateful for her two years on Diocesan Council as Communications Chair, and looks forward to her term as Secretary. The Joy of the Lord is our strength.
Contact her at Secretary
Jan Morel
Jan was born in Edmonton and later moved with her family to Whitehorse, Yukon where she grew up. She attended the University of Guelph studying BComm, Hotel and Food Administration.
After graduating from university, she started her career in Edmonton where she met her husband, Pierre while working for CP hotels (now Fairmont). They have one son, André (28) who is an ER nurse at Peter Lougheed Hospital in Calgary. Their hospitality careers took them across the country to Ottawa, Halifax, Calgary and now Lethbridge.
For over 30 years, Jan has worked for a large contract food service company, Compass Group Canada. She has held senior management positions at Dalhousie University and the University of Calgary; and throughout the Maritimes and western Canada. The company transferred her to the University of Lethbridge in 2018.
Jan became a Catholic through the RCIA program shortly after André was born. She joined St Luke’s CWL in 2006 when they moved to Calgary. She thought that it would be a good way to meet new people and make some friends. In her first year, she was “encouraged” to join the executive and accepted the role as Treasurer. She also held positions of Communications Chair, President Elect, President and Past President. She joined the Calgary Diocesan Council as Treasurer in 2017 and has just begun her second term in this role.
Most of Jan’s spare time is taken up by family, travel, yoga and CWL. Continuing her CWL journey as Diocesan Treasurer is very exciting; and she feels truly blessed to be among all the wonderful women of this very special League.
Contact Jan at Treasurer
Julie Rose
Julie was born in New Westminster and has lived her life in the province of British Columbia except for 2 years in Toronto and the last 4 years in Lethbridge.
She moved to be with her only child and two granddaughters as well as a great-nephew, whose mother passed away from breast cancer two ½ years ago and asked to help her daughter with legal guardianship. Two of the children are in grade 9 and the youngest in grade 7 at St. Francis Junior High.
When questioned about how she would adjust to not knowing anyone and leaving long time friendships she responded, “I always have the League and the friendship of its members”. Our Lady of the Assumption CWL council welcomed her with open arms! She is their Spiritual Chair and looks forward to being our Calgary Diocesan Treasurer.
Julie has been a CWL member since 1995. Shortly after becoming parish president, she was invited to join the Vancouver Diocesan council and served as the Treasurer for two terms and Spiritual Chair for one term. Having retired she moved to Vancouver Island where she was appointed Treasurer on the BC & Yukon Provincial executive. She would have liked to continue but was called to be with her family.
Julie has worked in a variety of administrative positions including banking, provincial and federal government, and manufacturing. Before retiring 9 years ago, she held her most rewarding position as the school administrator at a Catholic Independent School in Maple Ridge, B.C. She was the only office staff and worked closely with the Parish Priest who ran the school, the principal, teachers, and School Board members. She was responsible for the general accounting with a budget of over $1M and the registration of all 230 students annually, including international students. Her duties involved student fees, attendance records, parent participation assignments, staff pay and benefits, and reporting to the elected parish school board, Vancouver Catholic Independent School board and Ministry of Education for BC. During her 25-year career, she knew over two thousand students and built strong relationships with several families.
Julie enjoys travelling across Canada and internationally, over a 13-year period she visited her daughter’s family, when they lived in California. Also, she enjoys creative painting as well many other crafts.
Contact Julie at Treasurer