Novena Prayer: The Epiphany of the Lord
Let us pray “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit”
Loving God, in every time and place you come close to us. You never cease to draw us to yourself. Our desire for you is written in our heart.
Thank you for the ways that you break into my world and attract me to you, and to love you with all my heart.
Give me the courage to leave behind my old ways of thinking and acting, and to follow where you lead me – for communion with you is our truest dignity.
Make my life one of unceasing worship and adoration. Let me always embrace the Truth I find in the arms of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Jesus Christ our Savior. May the witness of my life of faith manifest your goodness to the world. United to the Light revealed to the nations. I offer you my intentions: (silently, mention your request here).