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DATE: October 9, 2020
FROM: Cathy Bouchard, national chairperson of resolutions
TO: Parish chairpersons of resolutions

“Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Phil 4:6-8).

A resolution is a profound statement of the League and is consistent with its Objects. When specific resolutions are outdated and then archived, members are encouraged to write new resolutions that speak to the League’s Objects and philosophy. The council that originated an archived resolution is the best council to write a new resolution on the same theme with up-to-date language and references. Writing a new resolution on the same theme will naturally have a slightly different focus and include new research and references.

Resolutions Directed for Members’ Awareness

From the Resolutions Supplement to the Executive Handbook, “Resolutions directed to members for awareness, e.g. health issues that come to the national resolutions committee will not be presented as a resolution but will be recommended to the national executive for education through standing committee chairpersons” (p.6).

Bridging Clauses: “Be it resolved, that this resolution be forwarded through the national executive to the national chairperson of a standing committee for education/action. (Use when requesting only that members be made aware of the issue)” (p.7).

When a resolution is archived, members’ awareness continues through the standing committee chairperson to which the resolution pertains. Resolutions directed for members’ awareness now come to the standing committee responsible for sharing this information through a communique, memo or article in The Canadian League.

Members’ Actions on Resolutions

Can archived resolutions be worked on? The basic answer is if a resolution has been archived, members do not need to take action. Letters regarding the resolutions archived in 2020 were distributed to provincial presidents and chairpersons of resolutions with the reason for archival.

Councils are encouraged to create a new resolution on the same theme if the topic is relevant, with updated references and a brief and action plan more current to today’s issues.

When a resolution has been archived because:

  • The action(s) requested of the federal government or national organization was addressed.
    • The only reason for members to write about an archived resolution for this criterion is to thank the government or ask the government to ensure its commitment to the action is kept.
  • The topic or action is addressed in a more current resolution with more current references.
    • Members would contact their representative referring to the more current resolution.
  • It contains non-specific rationale or action steps, is referring to organizations that no longer exist, is referring to specific dates/events that are now history, or the issue has changed.
    • Members would not contact their representative or organization to which the resolution refers.
  • It is a courtesy resolution.
  • It is directed to members’ awareness, has been available for quite a period of time on the national website and has been referred to in national communiques, memos and articles.
    • It is believed that members have become informed.

A resolution may be archived because of the language used such as:

  • 2004.08 Treatment of Autistic Persons: Now referred to as people who have autism spectrum
  • 1990.08 Native Communications: The word “native” is no longer used in this context.
  • 1998.02 Deviant Sex Establishments/Businesses: “urge its members to: become aware of the current bawdy-house laws in the Criminal Code of Canada.” This would be better in a resolution about human trafficking which is a much more current issue.

Parish councils (and other levels) and all members should continue to work on resolutions that were adopted following the action plans given until satisfied the request has been met. The councils that developed a resolution, which has been adopted at the highest level it is directed, are the BEST prepared to write letters.

In the case that no resolutions were submitted, your role as chairperson of resolutions is to encourage your council to write a resolution, give them ideas and offer assistance. As chairperson, you can also offer a workshop. Many materials can be shared among the chairpersons of resolutions to give this workshop. Provincial chairpersons shared excellent workshop materials.

Enclosed with this memo is the “Resolutions Guide.” It breaks down the process for creating a resolution. The national resolutions committee hopes that you find this useful to create resolutions within your parish council. This guide does not replace the Resolutions Supplement to the Executive Handbook that can be accessed on the national website.

“Resolutions of today become law tomorrow!
Through the CWL, you can be part of the voice that speaks to government!”
“For God and Canada.”

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