Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

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In the beginning. . .
You and Henrietta are at Tim Horton's nattering about some issue that is really sticking in your craw. You could just yack about it, or you could DO something: get the CWL on board and change the world!

How to start:

  1. Write down a statement that expresses what needs to be done to correct the situation, e.g., Urge the federal government to establish a national public cord blood bank.
  2. Write down the reasons this should be done in order of importance, e.g., Many diseases can be successfully treated with cord blood stem cells; there are no ethical issues with the use of cord blood stem cells; every child has an umbilical cord.
  3. Come up with a short, simple title.
  4. Write a short brief explaining the reasons in order. If you quote part of an article, you must footnote it using a specific format.
  5. List all sources used in a bibliography. A specific format must be used.
  6. When deciding to develop a resolution, make sure it hasn't already been done before! A resolution may have been passed at national conventions, but have not been dealt with yet by the federal government through policy, regulation or legislation. For the complete listing, visit

Researching is easy in the 21st century. . .

Internet search (e.g.: google) is an amazing tool. You can access excellent research to back up your statement online. Just be careful to use reliable sources. Your Diocesan Resolutions Chairperson should be able to assist you if you are unsure. Of course, using current print media is still just fine.

Print off copies of the articles you get online. Note the date you accessed them. You will need these later.

At every level of the League, Resolutions Standing Committee Chairs and members will refer to the Resolutions Supplement in the Executive Handbook. It's your Resolutions Bible. Your council has one.

Copy the leader and be blessed.

Why re-invent the wheel? The CWL is over 100 years old. That means a lot of women have gone before you. Looking at what they did and copying it will save you tons of time!

Use your CWL magazine, The League. Every fall issue contains the resolutions passed at national. Or go to the national website and click on a recent resolution for the same info. Copy the format you see there for your own resolution. Of course, you should kinda put your own content in there!

- Becky Kallal, Resolutions Workshop, 2006
- Resolutions Supplement to the Executive Handbook, 2012
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