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Relationships Matter! Sisterhood is just as important as membership! Know each member by name and meet her specific needs. Say “Hello” after Mass and “Hello” on the phone. Categorize members into groups: Leaders, Active, Meeting, Prayer, Homebound, etc.

Ask Methods – Establish several methods to renew memberships and invite ladies to join the League; ask which is best for each one: in-person, phone, email, letter.

Members with Unique Circumstances – Consider the circumstances of those who are shut-in, elderly, working at home, etc. Establish “supportive” relationships with them and with their families in some situations.

Telephone Script – Develop a written script for initial invitations, follow-ups, and reminders along with a sincere “Thank You” for each.

Plan A, B, and C – Ensure that you have back-up plans

Team Effort – Recognize that your President and/or Organization Chair could use some assistance and consider implementing:

  • Membership Phoning Sub-committee
  • Buddy System – Pair an internet-savvy member with one who does not use email; match members with those who they know and can phone (instead of alphabetic matches)

Mentorships & Partnerships

  • Membership Sub-Committee – Form an advisory committee comprised of a Past President/s and Diocesan Officer/s for guidance
  • Partner with Another Council – The President Elect or Organization Chair, in consultation with the President, could invite another parish council to share ideas and best practices

Welcome Program – Start discussions to identify how your council can use it effectively.
Consider using or adapting the “New Member Information Form” to collect data from new and existing members. Knowing each member’s areas of interest will help to encourage involvement and foster a sense of purpose and value.


When? Where? How?

Ask and Engage – Personal contact helps to build relationships and engage members!

Scheduling – Consider holding membership campaigns in October and November, before the Christmas season; and to follow up in January and February.

Physical Locations

  • Membership Drive – in the church parking lot
  • Welcome Video – show it in church, before or after Mass
  • Membership Announcements – before or after Mass; ask your Spiritual Advisor to make one
  • Give a two-three-minute speech highlighting your activities in Faith, Service, and Social Justice. This will be your First Cup of Tea and gives a face to the CWL.

 Communication Methods

  • Notify members of your membership campaign include date, time, place
  • In-person, phone, email, mail (optional self-addressed, stamped return envelope)
  • Council or parish bulletin, website, Facebook
  • Council newsletter – feature article about membership to reconnect and renew
  • Membership Zoom gathering
  • Welcome Video – share the link with members and nonmembers alike
  • Urge members to invite a friend; add an incentive Candy Bag Gift Tag
  • Invite new parishioners and new Catholics (RCIA) to join

Dues Collection – Offer several methods such as:

  • Membership Drive in the church parking lot
  • CWL mail slot in the parish office
  • CWL envelope in the Mass collection basket
  • E-transfer
  • Self-addressed stamped envelop
  • Pick up from a member’s home

Membership Incentives 

  • Early Bird Draw: Free Membership, Gift basket, or another prize, such as:
    • Lap quilt or CWL scarf
    • Coffee or Tea cards; then share your time with the winners
    • Mentoring session with your Council or Diocesan President “A Day in the Life of …”
  • If your council has a League scholarship for young women, invite them to events and get to know them; then invite them to join

Theme – Make it Fun! 

  • Hand out packages of M&Ms labelled “Membership Matters!"
  • Personal invitation; then plan a fun event to welcome them
  • Plan fun events to continue to journey with them, such as a book club or spiritual book club
  • Invite new parishioners and new Catholics (RCIA) to join

Gift, Pay or Subsidize Memberships
A “Free” membership does not always inspire commitment, whereas a gift could be more motivating, especially when you journey with the member.

  • Long term service members (suggest 60+ years)
  • Adopt-A-Sister, use savings from personal indulgences  (weekly coffee or manicure) to support a new member
  • Treat a member with financial challenges
  • Free one year membership to those women who have completed RCIA
  • Organize a fundraiser or provide your services and have a percentage of the proceeds go towards the membership
  • Offer a gift certificate to members who purchase a membership for a friend

Enclosures, Handouts and Testimonials

  • Welcome Program “New Member Information Form” (use original or adapt it)
  • Calgary Diocesan Council brochure (contact the Diocesan Organization Chair)
  • Welcome Brochure and Invitation Cards
  • Description and photos of your council’s activities
  • List of activities that give members a sense of belonging, purpose and value
  • Year Activity Calendar
  • A member’s testimonial or League journey

Resource Links

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