Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

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I am happy to share resources that may help you and chairpersons at other levels work with the spiritual advisor and assist them in understanding their role.

Enclosed is a background document that describes the challenges from both the perspective of spiritual advisors and councils and provides ideas to help overcome them. The background document is for your review to assist in meeting with spiritual advisors one-on-one with a parish council spiritual advisor or in a larger group.

There are also two PowerPoint presentations that can be presented at larger gatherings of clergy. The shorter presentation has a script, while the longer PowerPoint, based on Catch the Fire!, offers all the information on the slides. Please review both to see what will work best, both with your time availability and the information you wish to share. A suggested handout is attached to be given to all those in attendance. You are encouraged to give each person attending a welcome kit for spiritual advisors, with information about the League, including the Guide for Spiritual Advisor’s Brochure (#167).

Another resource that could be shared is the 2021 Annual Report Summary to demonstrate the accomplishments of the League. The summary can be found on

If you create other effective materials, please share them with me so they can be shared across the country.

Source: Communiqué #9 — Spiritual Development; Cathy Bouchard