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2017 Secretaries and treasurers memo from Janet McLean, national secretary-treasurer:

Summer is over and the changing colours of the leaves are an indication that we are into autumn and all that entails for your parish council. Secretaries are recording minutes of meetings and treasurers are gearing up for any fundraising planned by their council and coordinating with the organization chairperson for the collection of membership fees for 2018.

I had the pleasure of meeting with secretaries and treasurers at the annual national convention in Prince Edward Island in August, and it was great. I am always pleased to get comments or questions from you pertaining to your duties for your council. The convention was also an exciting time as members look to the future for this great organization.

Once again we are asking parish secretaries and treasurers to complete an annual online survey form. Revisions have been made to last year’s forms so that any glitches have been corrected. If you didn’t complete the form online last year, I hope you will do so this year. For those not comfortable with computers, ask if someone in your parish or community is willing to help you. Most libraries offer access to computers and they usually have someone who will be quite happy to assist you. The survey forms are very straightforward and we would really like to hear from all parish councils as you are the most important asset of the Catholic Women’s League.

For secretaries who record the minutes for their council, did you know that you don’t have to record all the details of what transpired at the meeting? You do need to record all motions that are made, noting the names of the mover and seconder, and whether a motion was carried or defeated. If reports are given by the standing committee chairpersons, make sure that you get a copy of their report so that it can be attached to the minutes making it unnecessary for you to detail it. This will make your job a lot easier and your minutes shorter.

For treasurers, did you know that the monthly financial report that you submit does not need to be approved by way of a motion? Your report is for the members’ information only. Any expenses which are reported should have been approved before they were incurred. This is why a motion must be presented and passed at a general meeting when your council wants to disburse funds (e.g. donations to various charities the council supports, purchase of supplies for the council, approval of a stipend to be given to a guest speaker, etc.) Only your annual report, which is submitted at your annual general meeting, needs to be voted on for approval. Of course, at any meeting you should always ask if there are any questions on your report and you should be prepared to provide answers to any financial questions asked. Members are allowed to view the books of their council at any time.

I want to thank all of you for the great job that you are doing. If you ever have any questions for
me, I would be pleased to hear from you.

Janet McLean
National Secretary-Treasurer