Join your sisters at the 2025 Diocesan Convention, and Renew.

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DATE: October 9, 2020
FROM: Margaret Ann Jacobs, national past president and chairperson of laws
TO: Parish past presidents

These are strange times indeed with the impact of COVID-19. Our personal lives and those values we hold dear are being challenged in many ways. As members and past presidents, we must find new and unique ways to fulfill the League’s mission and enliven the core principles for which the organization stands.

Your duty to serve in a consultative capacity will be significant as decisions are made in your council via telephone, e-mail, conference call or now, in a limited way, in person. Your encouragement and support of the council will be paramount as we endeavour to reignite our enthusiasm, and find new ways to develop our faith, provide service to the community and promote social justice.

Through past parish mailings and communiques, you are most aware of your responsibility to maintain your council’s archives and history. I encourage you to use this time of limited activity to access parish files, update and organize them (see National Manual of Policy and Procedure, pg. 202-204). One most often overlooked item is the highlights the past president writes of her term in office. To facilitate this activity in my own council, the minute books were circulated to each past president for her to write her story. One deceased president’s daughter compiled her mother’s write-up, and the historian took responsibility for any others not completed.

Currently under review are many changes to the Constitution & Bylaws (C&B) necessitated by the challenges imposed by COVID-19 plus the exciting new changes being recommended by the implementation team for strategic planning. Check the national website for strategic planning updates and review the excellent presentation by liaison National President-Elect Fran Lucas, Implementation Committee Chairperson Sharon Ciebin and Implementation Committee Vice-Chairperson Lisa Henry for the summer speaker series. As past president, take an active role informing members about current progress and their role as these changes will require an instructed vote.

Review and inform members about the procedure for this vote (Constitution & Bylaws, Part XX: Amendment of Constitution & Bylaws).
Members will have an opportunity to vote on changes to the C&B as part of the strategic plan and other important matters.

  1. The votes must be conducted in person.
  2. The votes much be scheduled in all parish councils for January/February meetings.
  3. Detailed instructions and forms will be distributed in December. Watch for the package.
  4. The immediate task: Set a date and start “Save the Date” communications, so members do not miss the opportunity to have their say in the League of the Future.

In your role to perform other duties as assigned by the president, perhaps you could volunteer to facilitate a discussion of the envisioned future?

“The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is an inclusive and engaged community of Catholic women inspired by faith. It is: A vital participant in the church; A valued partner for social justice; A respected advocate at all government levels; Connected to the world” (The Catholic Women’s League of Canada Plans Strategically 2018-2022).

How can we each contribute to making this vision a reality? We all need to recommit ourselves to “walk the talk.”

“Be the change you want to see in the world!” (Mahatma Gandhi)

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