Every month Theresa Duncan hosts a zoom meeting for anyone (you don't have to be parish council presidents or executive) called "So How Does Your Council...?" January's topic is: So How Does Your Council …. Market the CWL Within Your Parish??
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 2347 0188
Passcode: 840877
Any CWL member who has interest in the topic is encouraged to participate. We need two kinds of people:
- those who look at the topic and think, “my council has great ideas in that area and I’d love to share them” and
- people who look at the topic and think, “gosh, our council struggles in the area and we could use some help”.
Does this sound like something you would be interested in participating in? If so, what topics would you like to cover? I honestly want to hear your feedback so please let me know what you think. Please contact me at 403-816-9776 (phone or text) or
For information on previous sessions, see https://calgarycwl.ca/conventions/meetings/1360-how-does-your-council