Join the Calgary Diocesan CWL councils in this exciting day! Do not miss the opportunity to see the League with new eyes. Bring other members with you and invite non-members to “come and see.” You will leave with a new/renewed vision of the benefits of belonging to this great national organization - The Catholic Women’s League of Canada. Come and learn how together we can be “light to the world”, and let us always be grateful for the many opportunities membership in the League offers us.
To register, complete the registration form and mail it, with your cheque or money order (payable to Calgary Diocesan CWL) to Jan Myhre.
Download Registration Form
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From all dioceses across Canada, we heard that one of the greatest needs was for basic leadership training.
The national Leadership Development Committee has watched the excitement build over this past year and a half. It is our dream that you will take part in this training in your diocese, this year, in your province.
Using the metaphor of fire, the sessions are themed after aspects of fire, showing the new life it can bring:
We will sing and dance around this campfire of ideas.
When we say Leadership training, we know that not everyone is or wants to be a leader. Nonetheless, God calls each of us to lead in our own way. Catch the Fire! will give you the League knowledge and tools to be a fire-starter who helps someone else become a leader!
Just like a fire draws us in to see what is happening, we hope this Development Day will attract you to attend this opportunity to learn more about the League. Catch the Fire! will help you to love the League, feel the sisterhood and experience the joy of being a League member.
We hope you will be among the many parish councils across Canada to Catch the Fire!