The Dominican Laity (Third Order of St. Dominic) invites you to a full-day retreat.
The retreat topic is "Missionary Discipleship through Dominican Spirituality." The day will be filled with prayer, spiritual talks, and special fellowship. It will serve as a wonderful introduction to Dominican spirituality. Everyone is invited!
Spiritual talks will be given by Father David Bellusci, O.P.
Mass begins at 9:00 AM.
There will be three sessions facilitated by Fr. David Bellusci, OP, each followed by small group discussion and individual reflection.
Time is set aside for Adoration/Benediction, praying Liturgy of the Hours (Midday Prayer), and praying the Rosary.
Registration is a free-will offering.
Lunch is on your own (either bring your own or we will be ordering pizza for an additional price).