Free webinar on Tuesday, Sept. 24th at 8:00 am MDT In this one-hour webinar, Dr. Josephine Lombardi will discuss how synodality calls the Church to listen, understand, and act in the spirit and style of Mary. Tune in to learn more about women's leadership and role in the Church.
Dr. Lombardi names Mary as a 'synodal way' and 'accompanying witness' to the spirit's guidance of the synodal process. Marian Approaches to Synodality tells us to listen to her son, to the spirit — essential for discerning topics like the role of women in the Church.
This one-hour webinar will discuss how synodality calls the Church to listen, understand, and act in a way that embraces people in the spirit and style of Mary, an exemplar for the process of walking together and women's leadership.
A time of Q & A from the audience will follow the discussion.
For more info and to register, click here.