Good Shepherd Sunday

21 Apr 2024


Mass readings, reflections and activities for Good Shepherd Sunday (Year B)

Mass Readings

This Sunday, World Day of Vocations or "Good Shepherd Sunday," we heed the Lord's call to "Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest." (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). We ask for your prayers for young people to courageously answer God's call to priesthood, diaconate, and religious life. The Diocese of Calgary also asks for your generous donations today to support the education and formation of our seminarians and those in the permanent diaconate program. You can donate online at or through our parish. Your generosity is deeply appreciated. Thank you.


Background on the Gospel Reading

John characteristically uses “I am” statements to indicate the revelation of Jesus’ identity (an echo of God’s name as revealed to Moses). Today we see Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and are reminded of Ezekiel’s contrast between the good and bad shepherd of his day. Jesus is the shepherd who “knows” His sheep and is willing to give His life for them. To “know” here refers to a relationship of communion and love, not simply intellectual knowledge. Being chosen by the Shepherd, however, is no cause for elitism or privilege; rather, there is a greater responsibility that we shoulder as people who are co-shepherds.

  • Whom are you “shepherding” in your life right now and who “shepherds” you?
  • How can we be “known” by Jesus? And how do we “know” Jesus?
  • In what direction is the Good Shepherd calling you at this time in your life? Do you believe you are called by God? How can we overcome doubts to recognize God’s call in a spirit of humility and faith? 

(Source: Diocese of Saskatoon)