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Click on the names in blue to go to their website:

The Vatican


Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary


World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations

Catholic Women's League of Canada

  • National Voluntary Funds constitute monies forwarded by councils through national office for disbursement annually to the appropriate agencies, Parish Councils complete the National Voluntary Fund Remittance Form indicating which funds they wish to support, and forward it to national office with a cheque made out to The Catholic Women's League of Canada. A copy of this form is to be sent to the diocesan treasurer for her information.
    • Permanent Voluntary Funds: these agencies are permanently assisted by donations received from members and councils of the Catholic Women's League of Canada.

      • Coady International Institute of St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia was founded by Dr Moses Coady who gave leadership to the Antigonish Movement which promotes the ideal that by learning and working together, men and women become "masters of their own destinies".  Coady offers a six-month diploma program designed for leaders engaged in the development of people-based organizations in developing countries. The students, ranging in age from 25 to 45, are persons employed with public and private sector organizations engaged in human and international development. All students sign a commitment to return to their country of origin upon completion of the program, and are required to undertake a Diploma Study Project that relates the student's work at home to Coady's formal training.

      • Canadian Catholic Organization for Development & Peace (CCODP) established in 1967 is Canada's official Catholic overseas development organization launched by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. CCODP has helped support projects such as grassroots community development, literacy programs, mother and child health care, skills training, agricultural programs and emergency relief. CCODP also supports educational programs, helping make Canadians more aware of the problems and goals of people in developing countries. CCODP's primary source of funds is the yearly "Share-Lent" campaign, Canadian International Development Agency and donations from individuals and groups. Since 1969, the CWL has encouraged its members to support the 1% program. Brochures are available free of charge from National office.
      • Catholic Missions In Canada (CMIC) - CWL Mission Partners Fund raises funds to provide missionaries with the tools they need to catechize throughout 24 Mission dioceses found within Canada. CWL Mission Partners, in conjuction with the League, supports six religious education programs. The fund established at CWL National Convention 2001. Learn about the Day of Prayer for Canadian Home Missions.

      • Catholic Near East Welfare Association
        (CNEWA aka Velma's Dream) raises funds to support Eastern Catholic churches by building up the church, affirming human dignity and alleviating poverty, encouraging dialogue and inspiring hope.
  • National CWL Facebook page

Alberta Mackenzie Provincial CWL

Diocesan Voluntary Fund

Calgary Diocesan CWL Councils:

  1. Airdrie – St. Paul
  2. Allerston – St. Isidore  
  3. Beiseker – St. Mary
  4. Bow Island – St. Michael
  5. Brooks – St. Mary
  6. Calgary – Ascension Parish
  7. Calgary – Corpus Christi #10
  8. Calgary – Holy Name
  9. Calgary – Holy Spirit
  10. Calgary – Holy Trinity
  11. Calgary -- Sacred Heart
  12. Calgary – St. Albert The Great
  13. Calgary – St. Bernadette
  14. Calgary – St. Bonaventure
  15. Calgary – St. Cecilia
  16. Calgary – St. Gerard
  17. Calgary – St. Joseph
  18. Calgary – St. Luke
  19. Calgary – St. Mark
  20. Calgary – St. Mary’s Cathedral
  21. Calgary – St. Michael’s
  22. Calgary – St. Patrick
  23. Calgary – St. Peter
  24. Calgary – St. Pius X #25
  25. Calgary – St. Thomas More
  26. Chestermere – St. Gabriel
  27. Coaldale – St.  Ambrose
  28. Drumheller – St. Anthony’s
  29. Foremost  – Our Lady of Perpetual Help
  30. Fort Macleod – Holy Cross
  31. Hanna – St. George
  32. High River – St. Francis de Sales                
  33. Lethbridge – Our Lady of the Assumption
  34. Lethbridge – St. Basil
  35. Lethbridge – St. Martha
  36. Medicine Hat – Holy Family
  37. Medicine Hat – St. Patrick’s      
  38. Milk River – St. Peter
  39. Okotoks – St. James     
  40. Picture Butte – St. Catherine
  41. Pincher Creek – St. Michael
  42. Rockyford – St. Rita
  43. Strathmore – Sacred Heart
  44. Taber – St. Augustine
  45. Vulcan – St. Andrew     

Alberta Catholic Schools

Alberta Catholic School Trustees' Association (ACSTA) can be reached at

  • #205, 9940 - 106 Street, Edmonton AB   T5K 2N2
  • Phone:  780/484-6209 
  • Fax:  780/484-6248

GrACE (Grateful Advocates for Catholic Education)

Calgary Pro-Life Association

Calgary Pro-Life Association

Canadian Senior Discount Guide

The Dealhack Canadian Senior Discount List is the result of our quarterly survey of brands that offer seniors discounts. Every three months, our team independently verifies each and every discount on this list. We also add more brands to the list regularly when we come across them.

The list contains over 70 brands divided into 11 major categories, which are further divided based on the minimum age requirement.

Get the list at Canadian Senior Discount Guide: The Ultimate List

Catholic Family Service

Guided by compassion and reverence for all of humanity, Catholic Family Service (Calgary) serves individuals and families from all faiths and cultures.  We welcome anyone who would benefit from our supports —regardless of where they come from, who they choose to love, how much money they have, or where they go to pray. 

Contact: Catholic Family Service  website
250, 707 – 10 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2R 0B3
Call: 403.233.2360
Fax: 403.205.5295


Catholic Health Alliance of Canada (CHAC)

Catholic Health Alliance of Canada (CHAC): Inspired by the Gospel and grounded in shared beliefs and values, the Alliance is a forum for Catholic health and social services Sponsors in Canada, to exchange ideas and develop shared strategic initiatives that support their ability to strengthen the healing ministry of Jesus. Get resources for the "Awaken" Toolkit.

Catholic Healthcare Facilities

Covenant Health operates health care facilities in various locations throughout Alberta. Here is a list of facilities in the Diocese of Calgary.

Covenant Health Facilities are supported by the Covenant Foundation.

Catholic Physicians

For information on your local Catholic Physicians' Guilds and Associations please see www.canadiancatholicphysicians.com

Canadian Physicians for Life is a learning platform that provides formative resources on diverse bioethical topics, including: abortion, euthanasia, conscience rights, palliative care, genetic and reproductive technologies, and more.


Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation

The Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation, in partnership with the Providence School of Transformative Leadership and Spirituality at Saint Paul University in Ottawa, has developed a yearlong leadership certificate program to help Catholic women strengthen their leadership skills in an environment which integrates faith and spirituality.

After careful consideration, the 2023-24 Catholic Women’s Leadership Program has been postponed and we will be relaunching the program in 2024-25. This one-year time frame would allow the foundation as well as the University to review and continue planning for all aspects of the program. It will also provide time to reach out to women across Canada who may be unaware of this opportunity.

Christian video/streaming for Children

 Navigating TV/streaming content can be challenging for parents today. As Christians, we appreciate guidance and direction from reviews and resources. If you're seeking helpful recommendations for children's content, consider this curated list, thoughtfully maintained and updated by the Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. Read now


Formed has been officially launched in Canada. This ‘Catholic Netflix’ includes a vast number of programs, movies, audio series and e-books. Access to this website is restricted to subscribers only (individual or parish). Individuals can use a free seven day trial that is available or subscribe for a monthly fee of $9.99.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity has an interfaith website https://www.habitatsouthernab.ca/catholic-diocese explaining the diocese' commitment 

Human Trafficking / IWIN

IWIN (I'm Worth It Now) is an initiative started in 2019 by the St. Michaels CWL Council in Calgary, with the support of the Calgary Diocesan CWL Council. IWIN seeks to assist human trafficking survivors by raising awareness about this issue and by providing backpacks of basic necessities to survivors of human trafficking who are exiting this lifestyle.  Human trafficking is actually an issue prevalent across Canada and nearly all human trafficking victims are Canadian born.  Trafficked people come from all walks of life, not just those socioeconomically disadvantaged. One of the major reasons it is becoming a growing and prevalent issue is that the profits from a trafficked person are exceptionally high (on average $280,000 per person, per year, and as high as $600,000 per person, per year).  For more information, see our website, join our email list at and follow us on social media (Instagram: @iwin_calgary_; Facebook: facebook.com/iwincalgary or Twitter: @iwin_Calgary)

Religious Articles

  • Bernie's Rosaries, Lethbridge
    Rosaries Hand-crafted and repaired; good selection of religious items. Contact Bernie Yaretz at 31 Red Crow Blvd West, Lethbridge T1K 5J7, email   Please call  403 942 7413
  • Corpus Christi, Calgary, CWL store is open the second weekend of each month and at other times by arrangement. See their website for more details.
  • Lumen Christi Books & Gifts Ltd is “Your Catholic Bookstore” in Calgary. Phone 403-452-4410 email ; website Lumen Christi Books & Gifts
  • Mary's Nook your travelling book store in Calgary

Totus Tuus Rosary Makers Association, Calgary

We have been making and distributing rosaries since October 1997. We were incorporated by the government of the province of Alberta as a non-profit organization in the ‘Year of the Rosary’ on July 3, 2003.

Effective August 12, 2003, we have also been granted status as a registered charity by the Federal Government of Canada. (Reg. # 87899 1801 RR0001).

We are also a registered Lay Association within our Diocese of Calgary.

‘TOTUS TUUS’ is Latin for ‘Totally Yours’.

 In 1978 when (Saint) John Paul II became Pope, he consecrated his pontificate to the Blessed Virgin Mary and adopted this Latin phrase, ‘TOTUS TUUS’ as his personal motto.

Our Rosary Makers group would not exist without the inspiration and continued guidance of the Blessed Virgin Mary – thus the group belongs totally to Mary. Furthermore, each member strives, as an individual, to belong totally to Mary, as well.

So we consecrate ourselves totally to Mary so that, through her, we can belong totally to Jesus.

 Our only aim is to give honor and glory to God by encouraging devotion to Our Lady through praying the Rosary. We do this by teaching students how to make and pray the Rosary in our schools and by making and sending Rosaries to the missions.

We have visited over 80 of our Catholic Schools (most more than once) in Calgary and area, including Airdrie, Okotoks, High River and Brooks. We have made rosaries and prayed with thousands of children from Kindergarten to Grade 9. In addition we have also worked with and made presentations to High School Students and Reconciliation, Confirmation and RCIA candidates and others.

Many more thousands of our rosaries have been sent to various destinations in Canada and the United States, as well as to foreign destinations, including Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Dubai, Ecuador, El Salvador, England, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, France, Germany, Ghana, Greenland, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Lebanon, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New Guinea, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia, Switzerland, Tanzania, Tobago, Trinidad, Uganda, the Ukraine, Venezuela Viet Nam and Zambia.

We are blessed to have our in-person meetings at Holy Spirit Church (10827-24 St. S.W. Calgary). These are held on Tuesdays at 9:30 am, after morning Mass, until noon. Our membership includes over 60 men, women and children. You are most welcome to drop in and learn how to make Rosaries, pray and experience and enjoy the warm fellowship which has developed in this very special group.

The rosaries we make at the schools and the rosaries made for the missions and hospitals are never sold, they are always given away. While donations are always appreciated they are never necessary. If you would like to support this beautiful work of our Lady, we will be happy to issue an official income tax receipt. Please make cheques payable to Totus Tuus Rosary Makers Association.

We make and sell a wonderful variety of rosaries in order to help fund our ministry. Our hand-made rosaries include crystal, olive wood and rose petal bead rosaries, decade rosaries, car rosaries, rosary bracelets, children’s rosaries and more. These are available in the Display Case at Holy Spirit Church or by contacting Margaret at . Please pray for us and for this beautiful work of our Blessed Mother, who promised to change the world through this powerful Sacramental.

Our Lady asks us to pray for
Peace in our hearts   Peace in our families   Peace in our world


Sacred Arts Guild of Alberta

The Sacred Arts Guild of Alberta (SAGA) was founded in April 2017 and is registered as a non-profit society under the Alberta Societies Act. Responding to Pope Benedict's XVI's call to be "custodians of beauty,"  SAGA seeks to collaborate with other artists and organizations in promoting the sacred arts throughout Alberta and beyond. The guild hosts workshops and shows on the sacred arts.   

Membership is open to anyone, both artists and non-artists who are interested in developing a deeper understanding of Christian sacred art as a living tradition and its contributions to our present and future cultural heritage. 

For more information, see https://www.sacredartsguildofalberta.com or email

Salt & Light Catholic Media Foundation (TV station)

Salt & Light Catholic Media Foundation (TV station)