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Spiritual growth is the very heart of the League and the essence of its existence.
The patroness of the League is the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of Our Lady of Good Counsel.

  1. According to the Constitution & Bylaws, chairpersons of faith shall evangelize, promote spiritual growth and encourage members to
    a. pray, individually and communally
    b. uphold the sanctity of life
    c. study Catholic teachings
    d. stress the importance of the role of women in the church
    e. foster vocations
    f. advance ecumenical and interfaith endeavours

Some ways in which local councils may help members deepen their faith through the League:

  • Introduce members to a variety of forms of prayer, organize retreats, host evenings of reflection, develop spiritual programs, etc.
  • Uphold sanctity of life through prayer, and service and social justice initiatives that the council is focusing on.
  • Study Catholic teachings, especially those related to service and social justice initiatives that the council is focusing on.
  • Develop awareness of the role of laity in the church.
  • Support and encourage participation in Catholic religious education programs for children, lay ministries, sacramental preparation programs, Rite of Christian Initiation programs, etc.
  • Support Catholic education, where available.
  • Support vocations (singlehood, marriage, priesthood, women religious, formation programs, youth ministries).
  • Encourage engagement in ecumenical and interfaith endeavours (Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, World Day of Prayer).
  • Organize/support a variety of faith services in parish (Way of the Cross, Advent retreat evening, living rosary, choir, etc.).
  • Study and implement the action plans of related adopted resolutions.
  • Consider initiating a resolution on a topic of interest to the council (see Resolutions Handbook)

Source: 614 Handbook for Chairpersons 2022

See the article on How to Support Hospice or Palliative Care Initiatives for ideas on how to assist caregivers and members in Hospice or palliative care.


The chairpersons of standing committees shall:
(a) acquire knowledge of and fulfill the duties of the committee assigned
(b) appoint a sub-committee to share the work
(c) consult with chairpersons of other standing committees to maximize team effort and avoid duplication
(d) prepare and promptly submit monthly and annual reports as required
(e) be responsible for long-term planning

The chairperson should:

  • refer to communiqués and/or annual reports from all levels
  • study and act on League resolutions adopted at each level pertaining to this standing committee
  • file with the recording secretary a copy of monthly and annual reports

Book of Life

All Parish Councils should have a Book of Life to record the names of deceased members.

Note: They do NOT have to be a current member to have their name entered into the Book of Life.
If they have ever been a member, they are included.




Contact national office for information on obtaining the following documents:

  • Christifideles Laici – Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of His Holiness John Paul II on the Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World (1989)
  • Mulieris Dignitatem – Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter on the Dignity and Vocation of Women (1988)
  • Evangelization in the Modern World – Pope Paul VI, 1975 and study guide (CCCB)
  • To Speak as a Christian Community – a pastoral message on inclusive language
  • National Bulletin on Liturgy

Current addresses for additional resources may be obtained from the chairperson at the next level.

Protocol for Honorary Life / Life Members

Protocol for Deceased Members

Source: Executive Handbook

Other resources from CWL.ca:

603 - Ceremonies Booklet

626 - Prayers and Spiritual Programs

628 - Prayer Service Planning Workshop

628a - Prayer Service Planning PowerPoint

613 - Handbook for Spiritual Advisors

614 - Handbook for Chairperson of Faith, Service and Social Justice