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Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year. While it expresses the deep longing of all humanity for God, it celebrates the three-fold coming of the Lord: remembering the events that surrounded the Lord’s coming long ago, celebrating his coming among us today, and looking forward to his final coming in glory.

The Advent Season 

Advent is a season of devout and joyful expectation. Its four Sundays (with its actual length determined by the weekday of Christmas) highlight our desire and longing for peace, justice and unity. The third Sunday of Advent is called "Gaudete" Sunday (from the first word of the Latin Entrance Antiphon for this day, meaning "Rejoice") and the liturgical color may be rose instead of purple. This is the Church's way of further heightening our expectation as we draw ever nearer the Solemnity of Christmas. 

  • Find Advent events, resources, programs, and devotions for individuals, families, and ministries as we prepare our hearts for the coming of our Saviour. Visit catholicyyc.ca/advent