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The Hand-Written Bible: Then and Now

Calgary Region
18 Oct 2019 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
St. Mary's University, 14500 Bannister Road SE, Calgary, AB T2X 1Z4 [Heritage Centre]
The Hand-Written Bible: Then and Now A Sacred Arts’ Series (30 hours)
Dates: Oct. 18 & 19; Nov 1 & 2; Nov. 15 & 16, 2019
Fridays 6:00 – 9:00 pm & Saturdays 9:00 – 4:30 pm
A sequel course will be offered early winter of 2020.
Registration Fee: $450 / person + GST (10% discount for St. Mary’s Community and SAGA members)
Elizabeth Cressman, Sacred Arts Certificate Coordinator
Instructor: Susan Keyes


The history of medieval and modern calligraphy is incomplete without the story of hand-written Bibles. These creations have been one of the extraordinary undertakings of history.

Travel through medieval times, up to the present day, focusing on various hands used to create Bibles. Symbolic meanings of word patterns, illustrations and adornments used to enhance the Word will be brought to life.

Participants will gain experience with Uncial, Carolingian and Celtic (Island insular) hands in addition to manuscript adornments (illuminations) used in medieval Bibles.

The Saint John’s Bible, commissioned in 1998, is the first hand-written Bible produced since the invention of the printing press. St. Mary’s University is blessed to own one of the Heritage Editions, which is beautifully illuminated and bound in seven volumes. This Bible will be referenced in every class.

*This course can be used to fulfill the requirements of the Sacred Arts Foundations’ Level Certificate at StMU

Susan Keyes is a highly-committed Calgary-based calligrapher who has studied with some of the finest international calligraphers, including 2 who participated in The Saint John’s Bible project. Susan finds it very rewarding to lead others in their skill development. She is an acclaimed member of the Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild and was a presenter at the 2017 International Calligraphy Conference.

For more information, please contact:
Elizabeth Cressman, Sacred Arts Certificate Coordinator

This series is subject to minimum enrolment.

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