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The process for giving the voting delegate an instructed vote begins at the parish council meeting early in the year. Each parish council’s instructed vote will be given to the diocesan council at the diocesan annual meeting of members. The diocesan council's instructed vote will be given to the provincial council at the provincial annual meeting of members. The provincial council's instructed vote is the final vote and will be given at the national meeting of members.
Parish Council Presidents
- At a parish council meeting held at least one month prior to the diocesan annual meeting of members, schedule a time to hold the vote on the proposed amendment. In the meeting announcement, inform members that the vote will be taken.
- When the time for the vote arrives, read (or have someone read) the proposed amendment and the reasons for it. Allow time for discussion and questions.
- Take the vote, both for and against. Count and record the numbers both for and against the proposed amendment. If two-thirds of the members present and voting have voted in favour of the proposed amendment, then the instructed vote that the president, as voting delegate, will take to the diocesan annual meeting of members is “YES.” If there are not two-thirds in favour of the proposed amendment, then the instructed vote to be taken to the diocesan annual meeting of members is “NO.”
- Complete the Parish Council Instructed Vote Form provided with the information requested. Both the president and the secretary sign the form.
- Keep the yellow copy of the form and send the white copy to the diocesan president at least two weeks prior to the diocesan annual meeting of members.
- Bring the copy to the diocesan annual meeting of members to ensure that the voting delegate votes as instructed.
Source: National Manual of Policy and Procedure
Pages 153-155
Instructed Vote Process - Diocesan
Diocesan Council Presidents
- Schedule a time on the agenda of the diocesan annual meeting of members to hold the vote on the proposed amendment.
- Upon receiving the parish council voting forms, note the results of the votes to ensure that the voting delegates vote as instructed. An abstention on any proposed amendment will be considered a “no” vote.
- When the proposed amendment comes up on the agenda, inform the members that only the voting delegates (parish council presidents or designates) may vote and they must vote as instructed by their parish council. A roll call of the voting delegates (or designates) prior to the voting procedure will officially confirm the two-thirds vote required ― “yes” (in favour) or “no” (against) the proposed amendment.
- Read (or have someone read) the proposed amendment and take the vote, both for and against. Record the number of voting delegates (parish council presidents or designates) both for and against the proposed amendment. If two-thirds of the voting delegates present and voting have voted in favour of the proposed amendment, then the instructed vote that the diocesan president will take to the provincial annual meeting of members is “YES.” If there are not two-thirds in favour of the proposed amendment, then the instructed vote to be taken to the provincial annual meeting of members is “NO.”
- Complete the Diocesan Council Instructed Vote Form provided with the information requested. Both the president and the secretary sign the form.
- Keep the yellow copy of the form and send the white copy to the provincial president at least two weeks prior to the provincial annual meeting of members.
- Bring the copy to the provincial annual meeting of members to ensure that the voting delegate votes as instructed.
Instructed Vote Process - Provincial
Provincial Council Presidents
- Schedule a time on the agenda of the provincial annual meeting of members to hold the vote on the proposed amendment.
- Upon receiving the diocesan council voting forms, note the results of the votes to ensure that the voting delegates vote as instructed.
- When the proposed amendment comes up on the agenda, inform the members that only the voting delegates (diocesan presidents or designates) may vote and they must vote as instructed by their diocesan council.
- Read (or have someone read) the proposed amendment and take the vote, both for and against. Record the number of voting delegates (diocesan presidents or designates) both for and against the proposed amendment. If two-thirds of the voting delegates present and voting have voted in favour of the proposed amendment, then the instructed vote that the provincial president will take to the national annual meeting of members is “YES.” If there are not two-thirds in favour of the proposed amendment, then the instructed vote to be taken to the national annual meeting of members is “NO.”
- Complete the Provincial Council Instructed Vote Form provided with the information requested. Both the president and the secretary sign the form.
- Keep the yellow copy of the form and send the white copy to national office at least two weeks prior to the national annual meeting of members.
- Bring the copy to the national annual meeting of members to ensure that the voting delegate votes as instructed.
Instructed Vote Process - National
National President
- Schedule a time on the agenda of the national annual meeting of members to hold the vote on the proposed amendment.
- Upon receiving the provincial council voting forms at national office, the results of the votes are noted to ensure that the voting delegates vote as instructed.
- When the proposed amendment comes up on the agenda, inform the members that only the voting delegates (provincial presidents or designates) may vote and they must vote as instructed by their provincial council.
- Read (or have someone read) the proposed amendment and take the vote, both for and against. Record the number of voting delegates (provincial presidents or designates) both for and against the proposed amendment. If two-thirds of the voting delegates present have voted in favour of the amendment, then the proposed amendment is adopted. If there are not two-thirds in favour of the proposed amendment, then the proposed amendment is lost.
Amendments adopted by instructed vote at the national annual meeting of members require the approval of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. This approval shall be applied for within sixty (60) days following the national annual meeting of members and no amendment shall enter into force or be acted upon prior to approval being received. Duly adopted amendments are forwarded to and retained by Industry Canada.